Just had my last fag

Discussion in 'General' started by dogfight, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. Let's go where? Where is the party, hmm?
  2. *insert clever n witty comment here about title of this thread*
  3. stay strong bro. first few days suck
  4. haha cheers. i got a week off from any commitments or responsibilities so I figured it would be a good time to get through the worst week without going crazy.
  5. piss off
  6. "just had my last fag"

    wut :confused::eek:
  7. sorry i should have used a different word for you americans shouldnt i?

    fag to me is a cigarette/rollup :p
  8. i could go weeks without having one but as soon as i start drinking i want one so bad.

  9. Sigh..haha they call smokes 'fags' in the uk.
  10. hahaha good 1 loserkid.:smoking:

    I never liked cigs that much but ill smoke em when Im drunk. Make it your new yearz resolution OP!!!
  11. I've had so many 'last' cigarettes.
  12. me too ;)

    im not a quitter so im wont quit quitting =O

    going for it this time properly though
  13. Good luck man, i like when people refer to cigarettes as fags.
  14. #16 T-bone904, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2010
  15. wot u on about
  16. [​IMG]
  17. me too.

    and whoever gave that link to the guide, my girlfriend thanks you a lot.
  18. Lol :laughing:

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