Just had an amazing experience

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by IvGotMilk, Aug 11, 2010.

  1. So I switched of my laptop ready to go to sleep and I light a bowl.

    Then I just sat on top of my roof and looked at the stars for 10 mins. When i was looking up i just saw a shooting star. I was so amazed. So i made a wish.

    i decided to keep on looking up and there was a tiny white dot amongst the stars and it was moving about twice as quickly as you'd expect a plane to move at high alltitude. At first i thought it was a tiny aeroplane miles high but it wasn't, there was no red light. It was just a tiny small star or something

    And then right infront of it... BAM another shooting star!! so i lost track of the dot

    So i got to make 2 wishes :cool:

    I don't even give a shit about the white dot moving now i got 2 wishes

    damn thiss amazing
  2. thats cool man:smoking:
  3. You should buy a legit telescope & hit up your roof again, blazed as fuck, & check out the stars from your telescope. The stars are one of the most beautiful, natural things a person can see with their own eyes :hello:
  4. Shit dude you just reminded me of last night !

    I was walking home from my friends house and i saw a shooting star, thought it was pretty cool. Then 10 mins later and still on my walk home i saw another thing at first i thought wtf another shooting star but well i don't think shooting stars leave a greenish glow in there path.
  5. That moving white spot was probably a satellite man, pretty cool aye:cool:

    When I go out into the bush we just count satellites around a campfire, pretty sweet haha.
    Got over 50 one night.

  6. A satellite? Dammit I was too high to even contemplate what it was.

    But yeah when you look up at the stars, it's just like whoooa fuck space is so huge and everything is RIGHT there in front of you.. just a really good feeling that your staring into infinity of possibilities.
  7. Yeeah pretty sure most logical explanation, without going into those damned UFO's :p.

    I know what you mean, makes you feel pretty small, it manages to baffle me everytime..

  8. Too bad I live in a city where you can really only see 5 stars tops. Stupid street lights. -.-
    Going in the middle of nowhere at night and looking at the sky was always on my top priority list, but I can't find anyone that wants to share that with me.

  9. Do it on your own :)
  10. Tonight through the 13th or 15th is suppose to be the Perseid meteor shower. Should be a great show if you can get somewhere away from the lights, enjoy. :wave::smoking:

  11. Thanks man! Ima deffinately be checking that out :smoking:
  12. The thing moving was probably a satilite. Three days ago I saw the biggest shooting star I've ever seen. It was aroun midnight and where I live it's still pretty bright outside in august but it shined througt all the streetlights, the clouds and the rest of the daylight! Also the first star I saw this fall :) Amazing !
  13. Holy shit you must be really high to forget that it is still summer;)
  14. Not in Iceland, the fall is coming and the schools are starting :(
  15. nice man i also saw my first shooting star a few weeks ago while i was outside blazing with some friends. they are faster than u think.. i think thats why i never actually saw one till then
  16. Yeah they are just a small streak and over in a split second
    Really amazing though because think how massive they are and how fast they must be travelling at ... they are fkn light years away!! and yet they move that quick
  17. A buddy and I brought out my telescope the other night, but we couldnt get it to work. I think my dad has a lense that goes on the outside that didn't know about.

    Either way Im goin to get that damn thing working and look at some stars :smoke:
  18. Hey man, I know where you're coming from. I toke outside sometimes as well; since we live in a pretty quiet village, you can see the night sky in all its glory...never seen a shooting star before, but looking up at the billions upon billons of stars out there in the cosmos...blows your mind...

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