just had a thought.

Discussion in 'General' started by firstgrow, Jun 28, 2007.

  1. Just got back from hitting my bong and smokin a newport. While I was smokin my cig, I was thinking about how people have told me Im going to end up doing harder drugs. So I was thinking that doing harder drugs is like jumping off a cliff, its a thrill but you just end up dead. Even if you don't die literally, you sort of still are dead because it has taken over your life and all you do is want it. Now im talking about drugs like herion, meth and crack.

    heres a weird senario i just thought of, a bunch of friends want to go down the big slide and they love it. They love going down that slide but eventually some of them might get bored and say: hey lets go jump off a cliff! some will follow and others just prefer to stick to their slide.

    haha wow that sounds stupid. :smoke::smoke::smoke:
  2. There isnt really a point to this but it does make sense. lol
  3. haha I just thought I would share
  4. i see wat your saying but the people who turn to hard drugs and get hooked and i mean people who need it they wind up wrecked we all have or will try hard drugs ive tried coke before but its nuttin great a nice high but a shitty come down

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