Just had a great, "Ah-HIGH! moment"

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by gctoker, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. So this morning I woke up and decided to wake-and-bake. I smoked a bowl in my bathroom and after being paranoid thinking my mom was home, I laid down to watch TV and chill.

    Then I remembered seeing a sign at work about a mandatory store meeting at 1:00pm June 1. I showered and took off to work, in a panic thinking I was going to be late. I had a little extra time and stopped to get food, and then when I get to work, I'm told the meeting is NEXT Monday, the 8th....lol

    anyone else had similar experiences?
  2. One time i went into work at 4 in the morning instead of 4 in the afternoon. that sucked balls pretty nicely.
  3. yeah... ya see this morning I woke up and decided to wake-and-bake. I smoked a bowl in my bathroom and after being paranoid thinking my mom was home, I laid down to watch TV and chill.

    Then I remembered seeing a sign at work about a mandatory store meeting at 1:00pm June 1. I showered and took off to work, in a panic thinking I was going to be late. I had a little extra time and stopped to get food, and then when I get to work, I'm told the meeting is NEXT Monday, the 8th....lol
  4. WOW what a funny story. genuis.
  5. yea...so why do people do this shit again? are they just too stoned to add a comment so they add one anyway?
  6. i thought we were over this? can you stop? the dude's not a fucking troll.
    learn how to have some respect for your fellow blades, please.
  7. bahahaha, relax. every post after mine was quoting mine...
    and i wasnt saying he was a troll. i just do it cause its funneh.

    and the guy didnt read the sign right, he said he saw it, didnt read it. he knew he had to be at work at 1, but didnt know the date. i wouldnt say its cause he was stoned or anything, he just misread.
  8. eh but i was stoned when I showed up for the meeting a week early......made me sit back and think, "damn i'm high lol"

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