just got my wisdom teeth out today

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by KeyedAbraham, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. when can i safely smoke weed again?
  2. As a medical professional (phlebotomist/MA)

    U can toke starting in 3...2....1! Now
  3. What about a dry socket?
  4. Use the fucking search button or a little website called google, maybe you've heard of it?
  5. Or just listen to a medical professional.

  6. i cut my nut sack shaving, should i be okay.
  7. Three days atleast... seven to be 100 sure
  8. Dentists always say no. I've had a couple teeth pulled and smoked immediately after. I've also been very cautious, keeping the gause in and toking lightly.

    Good luck, BeZ...V
  9. Just inhale through your nose, ain't that hard
  10. I smoked on my pipe literally as soon as I got home from having one of mine removed. I knew about dry socket, but if you pack loose bowls and have a clean pipe then you don't have to pull hard on the pipe at all. Definitely no risk of developing that for me.

    And much easier than smoking through your nose....
  11. Smoking after getting wisdom's removed is literally retarded. Its an open wound with stitches in ur mouth. If you can't stop for ateast three days just quit. Clean pipe and little hits will still make the chances greater than no smoking.
  12. Hey I did it after the "whoa black betty bamalamadamn" wore of...felt real nice..
    If you can't smoke then sheeiit just pop a bottle.
  13. Why not just stop smoking for awhile?Sounds like the smart thing to do.You mean to tell me you cant go without smoking Marijuana?

    Its not addicting remember?

    Obviously some folks are just lying to themselves saying that Marijuana isnt addictive but yet you would risk a medical mishap rather than not get high.
  14. get a bunch of gauze when you smoke keep one over the wounds, gargle a glass of warm water with salt afterwards and then put a fresh clean gauze back over it.
  15. There is a big difference between a physical addiction and a mental addiction.
  16. Something about a tampon and hash oil, I can't remember the rest

  17. I know my friend.Ive dealt with both.
  18. Eat edibles or you can hit dry pipes trough your nose lol. It all depends on how your wounds heal to determine when smoking will be fine.
  19. Lol. Yeah OP do this one.

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