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just got high... blazed as fuck right now

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TheOceanInside, Feb 10, 2011.

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  1. just sittin in my bed giggling at random shit with my dog sleeping on my bed.

    my dog literally looks like a hedgehog it's pretty awesome.


    i dun give a fuck hew gun complane bowt dis hear thred bein random an shit :wave:
  2. You saying your dog is actually looking like a hedgehog right now?
  3. you know there's threads for this.... the "i just blazed" thread and the "high? write it down before you forget thread" might be accommodating for a post like this.

  4. This^^^
  5. You think OP can find that right now???

  6. guise sorry i was high earlier, high as a muhfuckin kite :D

    just respect the random thread once in awhile you know? have a laugh :D

    and no my dog just resembles one amazingly well. same colour and her fur on her head is all spikey. she's the cutest dog ever :) :smoke: i'm happy right now :)
  7. yo me 2 lol

    i just took a hit out of the vape(tube one) and instead of blowing the smoke into the sploof i blew it back into the tube :smoke: oops

  8. sorry, but i reported you for this thread. just delete it now.

  9. [​IMG]
  10. I found your dog.


  11. damn. oh well boys back to the drawing board i guess. we aren't allowed to have fun!

    lol at this new user who think's he's the internet police, gtfo
  12. the thread has served its purpose so i'm going to close it

    op if you really want this open send me a pm
  13. Really hate people whoo typ lik dis to sho dey r highh
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