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just got girlfriend high for the first time

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by sip166, Oct 2, 2010.

  1. it was pretty funny. she actually got high 1st time smoking. using the magic flight launch box :) i actually bought it cuz she wanted to be healthier so that convinced her to smoke. it was pretty funny. anyone else introduce their girlfriend to weed?
  2. If i had one i would lol
  3. I was introduced to it by my boyfriend if that counts. It was amazing. We were in this really pretty park at midnight and he pulled out a pipe. Got crazy high. Good memories!
  4. You should bang her...
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Agreed *highfive*

  6. In every thread about someone's gf, someone always suggests "banging her". No matter what the situation is..

    lol at disrespecting women. :hello:
  7. Hey guys my gf is on her period so she wont smoke up suggestions?

    Bang her

  8. i think my girlfriend has a penis.

    bang her
  9. haha i got my gf high for the first time.

    we fucked for like 2 hours and were super paranoid that someone video taped us lol

  10. I think my girlfriend is a giraffe

    Bang her

  11. I think my giraffe is a girlfriend

    bang it
  12. first time i got the gf high she sat on the floor laughing at something for like 10 min. Then she refused to admit she was high...lame
  13. I smoked my ex-girlfriend of two years up for the first time.. a month after we broke up. Talk about an awkward smoking session.
  14. Ha.... My friend and I were hanging out together back in the day when a friend of ours came by with some New York City Sour Diesel. I still know the person today and I know it was legit, but at the time names meant nothing to me. Pot was pot, now let me get high. All it took was a hit to change my life.

    I went from being sad, lonely, and without a purpose. To being a peaceful, loving, happy, kind, pot growing hippy.

    One day in highschool I saw a girl that looked troubled. She had piercings, crazy colored hair, and was clearly looking for attention. I have no attraction to these types of girls and never had before, but something about this girl made me want to talk to her. After hanging out a couple times I found that her parents were divorced, she was stealing pills from her grandma to get rid of headaches, and was seriously depressed. I introduced her to MJ and told her about the medicinal and spiritual benefits to it. She now uses pot as a relief from her headaches and other daily pains. No peircings, no hair dyes, no nothing. Just a beautiful girl that I today call my wife.

    SooooooooOOOOOOoooooooo many more details that make the story incredible, but that is the jist of it.

    Peace and pot guys.
    • Like Like x 1

  15. [​IMG]

    j/king XD
  16. You saved an emo girl, jk man.

    Thats pretty cool how mj is so good medicinally
  17. I had smoked in 08 by myself but then took a break after - I met my guy in Spring of 09 and we blazed up again just a simple pipe but after I smoked with him I vaguely remember asking myself "Wait, did we just take sterlo to work?" Our good friend cause I couldn't remember bahahaha. Oh man I would love to get that blazed again. But now I toke everyday and its great :)
  18. My gf can roll a better blunt than I can. Smoking gf's are pretty badass to be with.

  19. fuck man same here lol nothing better than sex when ur high
  20. i smoked out my gf for the first time not too long ago. she looked at me and said "it feels like the tops of my eyes are heavier than the bottoms." then we fucked :cool:

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