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Just got busted

Discussion in 'General' started by grassking, Aug 12, 2008.

  1. Hey, ive been smoking weed for over 3 years now. The last 6 months ive been doing it every single day. I go to a highly competitive private school where i was high pretty much everday.

    Both of my parents didnt know about anything until last week. I was actually with my grandparents in poland (I bought weed here and setup my smoking kit consisting of a bowl, a lighter, and 150$ of pretty solid herb.) My grandpa found the kit while he was cleaning my room while i was gone (the probabilty of this happening is extremely slim but that doesnt rlly matter since i smoked so much that even though it was unlikely i got caught, it was almost 100% that i got caught eventually)

    Anyway, he told my rents and they of course flipped out. It wasnt as bad as i thoguht however they did say that as long as i never do it again, it doesnt matter and their not upset.

    This brings me to a few questions that i have. Now that my parents belive that i COULD smoke weed (im not their little angel who does nothing wrong) the whole hiding "game" changes. I based most of my hiding off the fact that they didnt expect me to smoke so now that they expect it i would have to be much more secure. They mentioned ideas of random drug tests and they definitely kknow what it smells like so i have to be careful about that 2.

    I am a quite successfull teenager and have a lot to risk here. I got a 2310 on my SAT's, 5's on all my AP exams and have over 5 months of work experieince at multiple hedge funds( i plan on going into finance when i grow up).

    However, i like weed alot and i function fine on it. I have to decided on whether or not i want to try smoking again. It would be really bad if i got caught again, but at the same time i am pretty sure i can hide it successfully. I was wondering, if any of you guys have any experience on items that i should purchase to hide from parents who think you could smoke weed. I have a few questions that i want to ask:

    Drug tests: If someone could just give me the details about how they work, what kinds of drug tests are ther, and ways to go around it. I started looking at pills that cleanse your body and fake urines. What is the general pereception of these methods? Are they fake? Do they really work and if so which ones work best.

    Smell-Proof Containers Usually, when i had a 1/2 ounce or a full o to hide i would simply wrap it in like 6-7 ziploc bags and the smell wouldnt be that bad. Hwoever, after a while, the smell residual that formed in my backpack and in my hidhing spot pretty much automatically gave it away. What kind of containers exist out ther that are actually smell-proof and wont result in my whole backpack smelling like a rastafari's living room?

    Other If there is anything else you think i should think about before continueing again let me know. I defintly am not rushing to start again and do not plan to do it until i have already applied to college and i dont have to worry as much about school and such.

    If anyone has any answers to my questions or any similiar experiences and could advise me on what to do let me know. I am open to ideas of never smoking again too, if that is the course of action that you think is the most appropriate. Solutions like: "Drinking more" are also more than acceptable.
  2. Get a friend to piss in a cup for you keep it in the refridgerator(buy a small one for you room) and that should pass the drug test.
  3. How old are you?

    High school, college?
  4. High School. Also was wondering on any tips about finding weed in international cities. I check webehihg and they dont have the city i am looking for. Any hints about types of institutions to look for(i.e colleges, coffeeshops etc). I will probably get the piss even tho that feels kinda of degrading and silly. Thnx for the help so far.
  5. Man you're trying to be really crafty about it. I understand that it's their roof their rules, but surely you'll be 18 soon. My mother didn't like it, but you are your own person, and surely they will realize they can't stop you from doing anything. Hopefully you jested with quite an argument against your parents considering your extremely high abilities in the education fields.
  6. I did a solid job argueing but my parents are semi-conservative and they have a mental block against anything narcotic. I think that after they see that i can stop smoking for a few months without any withdrawl symptoms(my mom said that i will face fevers, shaking hands, loss of conscionsess and other ridiculous symptoms that dont occur very often) they might understand that it can be used responsibly and with control.Until then i just wanna be careful.

    About the drug tests, are there any tests that you can not circumvent? I also plan on having some kinda of clean-urine pill or just clean urine system to avoid the simple test. Knowing that, which one should i buy and do i have to order it online or is it available in any major city (say..... NYC ;)). I dont hink my parents will actually test me but iwant to be sure. It would be quite embarassing after i talked so much smack about it not being addictive if they caught me doign it again. Not to mention i feel like it is so easy to hide that it would be irresponsible of me not to do any research about it.

    Thanks again in advance for your help.
  7. [​IMG] tight vac containers. buy one on ebay for pretty cheap. they won't show the herb in the container hence the black on the bottom. and what it does is basically vaccum seal the herb in the container so that it won't leak out any smells. i swear by this as my secret concealer. conceals the smell it's awesome.
  8. I would just wait till you got out of High School. Finish all your crap and get it all in order and before you know it you will be in a completely different environment. It sucks that it all goes down this way but you are at least taking the time to educate your self.

    To most people I would say that smoking is not for kids and for people who are in highschool and all the likes but to each his own.

    As for withdrawals that just doesnt exist for the most part. Your body doesnt get chemically dependent on it. You may personally like it or have an addictive personality but that can happen with many things.

    I say just wait it out.
  9. Mason jars and pretty much anything airtight will conceal the smell.... but be careful when you open those bitches..... WHOO
  10. The tightvac container idea is great. i actually found it earlier but noticed that ineed to order it. It shouldnt be an issue since i am sure i can find a friend who will be ok with me sending it to his house.

    I may wait it out depeneding on how keen my parents are when i get back. They bought a home drug testing device. I was wondering, do these devices tell you how much you have been smoking or just whether or not you are over the limit. For example, if i smoked 2-3 times a day, would the sensor come up the same as if i smoked only once in the past week? I think it wouldnt be that bad if i told them i took a hit at a party because im pretty sure that after a few good hours of debate i can convince them that that is harmless. Thanks again in advance for all the info, its rlly helpful.
  11. you would be better off just laying off the herb for a while..your parents (though not very smart, lol dont do it again)..are the ones putting you through your education...

    you need to respect that fact..but thats just the father talking in me..

    use a mason jar to store your bud in, outside..preferably in a dark, dry area to avoid mold.

    thats a great SAT score BTW
  12. Melkor-

    Ha, i love how quickly u transferred from father to telling me where to hide my bud. Thnx on the SAT score i got pretty lucky while taking it.

    My parents arent exactly rich and i try to appreciate what they give me but it is hard to rlly undertstand since you dont rlly miss things until they are gone.

    im going to try and not smoke weed for a while but i go to a lot of parties and am known as someone who never says no to a joint so it could get hard. If i can pull through the rest of hs i may try to if not ill have to figure out some way to get past that piss test if itll even be there
  13. quick fix (google it)

    most any smoke shop should have it
  14. As far as your question goes about the drug test, and if it will show different levels of THC, the answer is no. The test simply shows if the substance is present, and will in no way shape or form tell them that you've been smoking weed every day, and not just one night at a party because you had a few too many.
  15. Thanks alot Italia that is really key. Honestly, when im already accepted into college and am 18 i think it would be bullshit if my rents didnt allow me to smoke at parties. So im pretty sure the drug tests wont be an issue. Ill check out the quick fix 2.
  16. Why was that important to add? Seems like everyone who brags about their SAT scores always put themselves into the 99.93 percentile. Then proceed to make numerous spelling and grammatical errors.

    BTW/ Grow Up is always my advice. Your parent's don't want marijuana in their home so don't disrespect them by bringing it in. I'm sure a smart feller like yourself could understand that.:rolleyes:
  17. God damn dude I got a 1600 on my sat and the only AP test I took (fucking history) I got a 1 on hahaha
  18. Pasty-

    Sorry if i sounded like i was bragging but i wanted to tell a bit a bout me so people could make more accurate suggestions. I wanted responsible people like you to not only help me hide it but also point out that there is a lot at risk and it may be worth it to wait. How many spelling/grammar mistakes i make is, as im sure you agree, completely unrelevant because this is a forum about weed, not a college seminar.

    I definitely understand the fact that my parents don't want it. I really plan on trying to convince them to allow me to do it spradically and if they maintain the ban then i will definitely take their wishes into consideration. I value my family a lot and really don't want to do anything to hurt them. I know my mom is hurt now that she knows ive smoked weed a lot but i think she will overcome her initial pain after she realizes that i can responsibly use it.

    Marijuana gives me alot of structure in my educational life. When I wasnt high i would work extra hard to get as much done as i could before i smoked so then i could relax. This resulted in much less procrastination and honestly, much more success in both school and work. I want them to be able to see this and understand it.
  19. Jake-

    Ya history is a bitch. I got my worst grades in school in history and i didnt take the AP luckily. I know tha tif i would have taken it i would have bombed it. History sucks for me. Im more of a math/science/writing kind of guy. I also always tend to look to the future much more than i look to the past. Maybe thats why i dont always learn from my mistakes :(
  20. easiest way to convince them is to follow their rules.

    Don't bring marijuana into a house you do not own without the owners permission.

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