just got a sick idea!

Discussion in 'General' started by Golden Lungs, Jan 13, 2013.

  1. I was thinking it would be sick if someone made a glass spoon with a little spool on the bottom with a hole right next to it that feeds up right next to the bowl part. So u could wrap that beez wax wick around the spool and feed it up next to the bowl peice and light it and then when u hit the bowl the flame would come down and light it just like those 1 hand pipes. I dn i think it would be sick!!![​IMG]
  2. Cool idea but it would be risky in the burning your face off area. Get to stoned not pay attention poof everything is on fire.
  3. how about a pipe that electrically heats the bowl (similar to a vape kinda) and burns it evenly, like you can set torch mode, or corner mode, and it tells you how much you put in AND motherfucker tells time.
  4. What the fuck did you just say?
  5. i dn man this could be the next big thing :confused_2:
  6. Eh idk man. Seems like a cool idea but I think it'd actually be more trouble than just using it freely or wrapping it around your lighter. Not to mention a spool hanging off of a bowl would be ugly as shit lol and would make it awkward in your pocket.
  7. why not just tie your wick to the pipe

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