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Just Got A Hakko!!!

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by FireInYourLungs, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. Hey guys, the Hakko 456 I ordered last week finally showed up. Here's a video of me testing it out.
    [ame=]YouTube - New Hakko Bong Rips[/ame]
    I know a lot of fellow blades have ripped with a hakko before, but for those of you who haven't, I highly suggest it. The only method of smoking that's comparable in terms of taste and smoothness is solar toking, and that's out of the question during winter were I live.

    -tastes waaaaaay better
    -no inhaling butane
    -no more buying lighters or hempwick
    -did I mention it tastes awesome?

    -you have to be within 4 feet of a wall outlet, or have an extension cord
    -costs money ($46 shipped from
    -you can burn yourself if you're an idiot

    Anyways, I highly recommend trying a hakko sometimes, it's a lot of fun and tastes great.

    Peace and Pot
  2. bump for hakko awesomeness
  3. damn, no love for the stoner tech
    lol whatever i get :smoking:
  4. That's pretty cool for smokin by yourself I guess. Or with other people too lol. But how is it different than a regular soldering iron?
  5. thats pretty sick.
  6. That's pretty sick, burned really well. Awesome for making home made crap too.
  7. Looks nice, I've always wanted to try using a soldering iron, but I heard you need a certain kind with a ceramic tip or something like that. Any ideas if this is true?
  8. thats awesome

  9. the heating element is ceramic, meaning it's safe to inhale. It's also a really powerful soldering iron. When you plug it in it takes about 5 seconds before its too hot to touch and maybe 20 seconds til you can blaze with it.

  10. Yes, you need a Hakko model 454, 455, or 456. I got the 456 because it's the most powerful. Other soldering irons use metal for the heating element which is unsafe to use. I don't know of any other brands besides Hakko that produce a similar product... actually Phedor makes one but I believe it's $120.
  11. Very cool. What is the lower model like price wise? Why did you choose yours over the lesser expensive one?

    Stoner tech FTW always.
  12. Not gonna lie, this is really awesome.
  13. #13 Murs, Feb 2, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2010
    I dont get it...why not just use a lighter

    oh nevermind...strictly taste?
  14. that's pretty cool, I don't think I'd spend the money on it, but it's still a pretty cool way to light up bud.
  15. that, or buy like 50 bics. I'm sure you can get more if your buying bulk lol I'd say thats a hell of a deal.

    This soldering iron thingymajig looks pretty neat! Is it really THAT much of a taste difference though? You can light a bowl with the heat off a flame not actually inhaling lighter fluid is this somewhat similar
  16. ohh thats sweet man Im deff going to pick one up. I like the price fits the budget other site's sell it for much more.

  17. As I understand it, the primary difference is in the power of the different models. The 456 (my model) is 60 watts, whereas the 455 is 40 watts and the 454 is 25 watts. I also believe the construction of the 456 is nicer, it seems to hold together a little bit better than the lower end models. For reference, the Phedor is 75 watts and retails at about $120.

    The increased power of the 456 leads to a quicker heat time, although they all heat up quite quickly. If you're using a hakko, you probably shouldn't be in a rush anyways... hastiness and hot irons do not go together well, trust me. :smoking:

  18. You're still inhale a good bit of the butane, and yes it makes a huge difference. The only reason I got this was because someone else paid for it, but trust me, I was amazed when I did! I should have dropped the $40 way earlier, it makes a huge difference. Having said that, I think it's much more noticeable if you're a true marijuana connoisseur as opposed to the everyday hoodrat.
  19. I'm buying one just because how tech and ill that is. ive always wanted to buy a soldering iron but never knew which one. thanks for the link and specific model

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