i just got a call saying the cops are coming to my house within an hour... it was my friends girlfriends sister - she called me freaking out looking for my friend, who i said i'm not with. she's screamin at me about doin drugs, etc, and how we were at her aunts house this weekend when her aunt wasn't home - the neighbors apparently took down all the license plates of all cars that went there, and saw us "doing drugs," and whatnot - she said a diamond ring got stolen and now cops are coming to my house... i didn't do anything? i'm not sure what i should do, i think i'm just going to leave my house to be honest but i'm scared shitless. can i tell them i'm not gonna say anything until i talk to my lawyer?
man get your peices and stuff hidden, dont leave itll probably make shit worse, and what can they do? "WE HURD U DEW DRUGZ?" lol just be cool man There is however a chance they think you stole the ring soooo, make sure you pawn it GO! lol If they try to search you be a dick about it and make them get a warrant too, so they have to go through trouble lolol
1. hide your shit (or better yet move it from your house) 2. deny everything 3. keep your calm 4. smoke a blunt after the cops leave (aka celebration) Good luck, brother.
i didn't even do anything, thats what im pissed about. i think its more about the stolen ring... i mean, of course i do drugs should i really hide everything? im out of weed, etc, alls i got is my piece... and would they really have a warrant to come inside? its only been a day, i doubt they would
Hide you're peices always bro never ever ever take that risk. But yeah unless they have evidence plead you're rights to the fourth (assuming you're american) and tell them to gtfo. but yeah pigs are pigs just stash them in the trunk of your car or something lol
To be honest I wouldnt even let them in my house. I would just talk to em at the front door. They have no evidence you did anything so fuck em. If anything they'll just try to scare you into talking or might ask you to come down to the station to record a statement. If they do that then you can either do go and do it or tell them not without a lawyer. Helen Keller that shit bro, you aint seen or heard shit haha.
yea keep your calm and deny everything. then after your done your celebration blunt update us with what happened
i ended up having to leave my house - i actually waited around as long i could but they were late... pigs so i'm not really sure what'll happen, i wish i could find out if they even showed up at my house... i can't be havin the 5-0 constantly showin up, i live in one of those "Pleasantville," everybody-knows-everybody kind of neighborhoods. just showing up once is bad enough... can i/should i call the police station and see whats going on? that just seems like asking for trouble
I'm thinking they maybe would have left a note or something if they did show up, right? Either way, just get rid of all the evidence as suggested and stay calm. You know you didn't do anything...so no need to freak out.
bro yeah they aint got shit on you, just close the blinds if they do come ignore them until they yell they're breaking the door down if they arent willing to do that its nothing to worry about lolol
One time I had detectives come to my crib before so I got all low and shit and the ma fuckas went around to the side window and saw me haha. The bitch was all like "Go to the door!" It was stupid. Also dont forget OP the best line of defense is knowledge and silence. You have the right to remain silent is the best thing ever, well that and pleading the fifth!
They can't come into your house without a warrant. They can't obtain a warrant on the accusation of your neighbor. All that they can do is look into it. If they find probable cause... if you believe that your friends actually did steal their diamonds, or your friends have shady characters and do things like that. I would be careful about letting that friend come over for a while. They won't be allowed into your house with a warrent if it was your friend who was implicated, unless your friend is over. They may come to your door and ask to come in. Open your door, step outside, and close the door behind you. Don't let them know you have an idea why they are their, ask them what the trouble is. Do not give them permission to go into your house or to look around your property. If you had a friend who was a lawyer, and would save you some fees, talk to the lawyer about the situation. If you don't. I wouldn't get a lawyer, and just ignore the neighbor, and not worry about this situation one bit.
she's probably just trying to scare you seriously though, if my sister did that. I'd tell cops that she does drugs