Just found a mouse in my house

Discussion in 'General' started by NFloyd2357, Mar 3, 2009.

  1. Yea, so i just saw a mouse in my room, and before i knew it, it was gone. I got a makeshift trap set up to see if i can just catch it in a box with some food...

    thing is - i really like animals. I won't kill it, and honestly im not sure i even care that its in my house... is there a reason i should care? disease? multiplying? I also think its important to note that i rent this house for school, so i won't be living here once may rolls around.

    what should i do?
  2. Yeah props for setting up a humane trap..that should work. The bitch thing about it is you have to drive a mile or so away and let him free so he doesn't come right back in. If you are in a school type housing place..and you've seen one...I bet there are more. I'm sure they are cold out there! :smoking:
  3. Get a live trap, is my suggestion.

    And yes, you should be worried about disease, a mouse will piss and shit on everything, especially in the kitchen, and you don't want that in your mouth do you?

    Live trap that sucker and let it go in a field...
  4. depends... do you want to wake up to a mouse climbing around your bed? catch it and release it into the wild. little buddy is probably just trying to find a way out
  5. #5 Anony, Mar 3, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 3, 2009
    Yea, make sure all your food is in tight containers, check where you keep food for droppings, behind fridge, stove, ect. Try to see how bad the infestation is, if its just one, youll be lucky.
    Make sure your place is clean.
  6. its probably janking your weed while you sleep.
  7. Whatever you do, don't give it a cookie.

    Trust me, I've been there. It's a shitstorm you don't want to get caught in.
  8. i actually caught a mouse in my basement with a box, a stick, some string, and some penutbutter and crackers, like in the cartoons. took about ten minutes. i let it go in the woods after that. so yea if ur worried bout the mouse it should be fine.

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