just for the lols

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Coastin420, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. welp, im blazed and thought it would be fun to share a story:)

    just basically about my first time getting ripped, here we go:

    well it was about a year or two ago, i got bored and decided to start smokin. best decision ever obv. i go to my friends house, at around 11 we rip a few bowls and at this point i think that i'm ripped. but in reality, i'm not. i continue to have a good time blah blah blah. so the next day i go to my other friends house, we rip a bowl, although i really only got one hit. i think i am high AGAIN, but in reality i'm not. then a few days later, i go to a small get together at my buddies house, we roll a niiiiiice L, and as were smokin it, everyone proceeds to get prettty high right away.i sit there totally sober just sayin, god you guys are morons when your high lol. then one of my buddies tells me to breath in HARD after i hit it, i proceed to do it, cough like no other lol. the l keeps gettin passed around and we all get a reallll nice amount of hits. i go back into my friends basement and as i'm sitting there.... it hit me. like a fucking train. i sit there basically trippin a lil i guess. and then they proceed to put on some craaazy music, and i end up buggin a little. apparently, it was one of the funniest things they ever saw. and i ahte to say it, but from there on it's kind of just a blur. :smoke:

    tl;dr i smoke twice, dont get high, think i know what getting high feels like, end up gettin blazeed and freakin out.

  2. I must've smoked $60 worth of bud before I was shown how to properly inhale. Everyone thought it was hilarious, I'm just like fml
  3. i was embarrassed at first, now i look back and lol

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