I just dropped my science class because all the information was going over my head and I had done poorly on the first exam. Plus the professor's way of having us learn in groups only helped to an extent - I could grasp the info when given that one small hint but on my own...no way. I'm not one to give up on things like this but if I stick around there was no way I was gonna pass it and that would kill my GPA, leading to me losing the HOPE scholarship. Anyways I need advice on my next science credit for next semester. To those of you in college, which one is easier, biology or physical science? Should I risk taking it again with a different professor and see how that turns out? I don't mean to sound like a "I take the easiest classes possible" sort of person, but in this case I'm majoring in Early Childhood Education and teaching the 3rd grade really doesn't require knowing how to string together complex formulas to find how high a bullet is shot with only knowing one variable.
I took two astronomy courses w/ labs to get my science requirement out of the way. Then I studied the history of science independently so I could learn w/ out risking grades.
I might have to look at the astronomy courses they offer here. I'm not sure if they count towards a science credit though.....if they do I'll be happy. At least that's something I'll be really interested in.
The ones I took were relatively intense w/ physics, (for a 100 level course). Good stuff, and in the lab we got to work in groups which was nice.
I didn't do the American system, but when I did my A-Levels, physics wasn't an option unless I did maths too. I'm not sure how it is over there, but if you're struggling with maths I would strongly advise against doing physics. I did biology, and I hated it with every ounce of my heart and soul, but that was mostly because my teacher was an utter dumbass. Halfway through the year, I spoke to the headmaster and told him I'd have no chance of passing unless I skipped classes and basically taught myself with my textbook and the internet, he agreed and I ended up getting a B.. I'm not really sure why I told that story lol, I think it was to sort of inspire you. It's a lot about memorizing information; half the shit I didn't really "get", but I memorized it until I could recite it in my sleep, and I did alright. Good luck with whatever you choose
Well we got lucky and had all our formulas written out for us, there was no way anybody was supposed to memorize all 40-something. Thing is though, he'd give us a problem and want us to solve it. Simple right? Until you realize there's more than one variable missing. On to the next formula.....now there's another missing one. Eventually you'd go full circle and be left confused.
Dude, I'm in biology right now and it's pretty goddamn easy. Try to get uhh Sherry P. That's her first name i forgot her last She knows what she's talking about, gives fair tests, that are designed to give you a B ONLY if you can't apply what you learned, which as i said I think is fair, and so far there's been two vocab tests and all you have to do is familiarize yourself with them the weekend or day or two before. We even got an extra credit assignment, and the Bio lab is pretty good too! Edit: Keep in mind i slept through bio in high school. Still made an A.
Yeahhhhhhh man I chose phys sci because I made an A in high school.....thinking back I should have chosen bio, it's nothing but memorization lol.
Take Earth Science, its fun you get to do labs n shit, ohh and sit by a smart girl that will give you all the answers, also in school pick classes with white desk or those black slate ones, cuz Ill go to class early b4 a test and write down all the important stuff on the desk and when i take the test i just move the paper a lil bit and get b's n shit with out studying
I always wipe off what I wrote down away right before I turn in the test, I also make the writing small enough for my hand or arm to cover, I aslo go to jr college were the teachers dont give of fuck, they just want their money
^yea, some of the desk are hard to write on and you cant see what you wrote, School is just about memory, there is no applying what you learned its just recalling info, so fuck it
For my science requirements I took Geology and "Human Ecology", which were both pretty awesome. The ecology class was a Summer session, and was basically telling us why pollution was bad, how humans are killing the Earth, and how to create sustainable environments. It was actually quite fun. The Geology class was pretty standard, rocks are fun you know? But I really got into it and scored the highest grade in the class, all along helping out a couple of friends not flunk, AND lighting up during every break in the class and coming in stoned. It was only rocks you know? However, what was funny was when I told my Human Ecology teacher that my Geology teacher said there was no such thing as Global Warming, he said that he'd have some words with the dean of the department!
That was my working hypothesis. And for me, being stoned actually helps me to focus on whatever it is that I am thinking about. Did then (I took both classes in the early 00's) does now, only now I'm 100% legal (see sig). Of course, I also went to practically every Lit class at UCLA stoned too. I also graduated at age 35, so it's not like I didn't know exactly what I was doing.