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Just did it for my first time

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Jton, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. It was amazing :) Did it earlier today! Smoked a lil of my Burmese Kush!

    I wasn't sure I was high at first, I didn't know what the onset should feel like, but I realized I was high when I tasted a Salty N' Sweet granola bar and it was by far the best thing I'd ever tasted in my life.

    I want to go do it again, but I'm scarred to get caught :hello:
  2. good job brother, keep on tokin
  3. Vury nice, what'd you smoke out of?

  4. haha those bars are my fucking favorite! the peanut butter ones? Anyway, if you really wanna do it again its really not that hard to not get caught, just dont be a dumbass and only smoke when you know you wont have to talk to anyone that cant know your high,untill your can control your shit that is:rolleyes:

  5. YES! The Peanut Butter ones!

    It's just my parents are home. Maybe when they are asleep...

    Side note, I smoked out of a pipe.
  6. It hit me like a train on my first time, damn. I just remember I walked into a variety store to get a drink with my friends and everything was different. Right as I was about to pay for my drink, getting change out of my pocket was the most difficult task ever. I'm pretty sure I just walked out without paying, right infront of the clerk too.
  7. My first time, and every time thereafter, it's taken like 20 minutes for me to feel anything. Well, I take that back. The first 2 times I smoked, I didn't get high. They were joints, and joints do nothing for me. But once I started hitting pipes, I was loving it. And the first time I smoked after 7 years, I was drunk and hadn't eaten in 3 days...I was DONE. And the first time I hit a gravbong, I felt like I was eminating the ripple patterns like on Lateralus...
  8. Hahaha nice man! And you thinking you got caught could just be some paranoia! But it's pretty easy to stealth smoke, just use common sense man!

    I remember my first ... did a few big bong hits and was fuuuuuucked. I was hallucinating pretty hard.

    I wish I could go back :(
  9. Aaaah my first time. i smoked a joint in the bathroom and went to play call of duty. i rember everything was normal. then.. BANG!!! everything was slow motion and my guy was leaning over lol

    then life gave me lemons and socks. so i made LEMON SOCKS haha lol
  10. What britches?
  11. Lol pretty strange to sign up at a community devoted to getting high before you ever got high.
  12. Gratz, welcome to the wonderful world of weed.

    My first time was back in 95-96 when I was in 10th grade. I bought $10 worth of schwag/brick weed from someone in school. I rolled a joint and smoked it at a park with a couple friends on our way home from school. The high was definitely new and strange to me, I felt like there was a weight pushing down from on top of my head and I was in a dreamy sorta state.
  13. A lot of people enjoy the culture without necessarily enjoying the herb. As a kid, I always loved looking at the bongs and pipes at the local fairs and shit, because I was obsessed with how they looked.
  14. I remember my first time; pretty much lost my grip on reality. It was 4 years ago on new years, me and a friend smoked 2 ciggarette joints (really took the time to empty and completely fill two ciggarettes with bud) and felt nothing until 15 minutes later. I was completely aware of my mind shifting and felt the high come over me; I looked at my hand and my distorted perception fucking freaked me out (I had never even been drunk before. I had no clue what to expect and was not prepared in any way for that sort of, loss-of-periphials-and-everything-looks-different-but-it-then-again-it-doesn't way of seeing things). I was immediately plunged into a state of terror; it felt like something was missing about me but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. All I could say for next 20 minutes was "I'm not me anymore"!
    I eventually got inside to the couch and fell asleep with the help of TV, but I can safely say my first time smoking was the scariest moment of my life :eek: My reaction was so ironic too, seeing that rarely a day goes by that I'm not high now.

    It was curiosity that got the better of me and what caused me to try weed in the first place, and a few months later after trying it,(and after experiencing with alcohol a good bit) curiosity got meh again. I smoked grand bud out of a pipe and I never looked back :hello:
  15. My first time, I smoked a joint with 3 of my friends on the way to a party (1 of them actually became my dealer). I remember thinking how over rated the shit was. Looking back, I actually got mad couch lock :p. I didn't get off the couch for the whole party.

    I also smoked an apple pipe later that night at my friends crib.
  16. Yeah I totally agree with this guy! There are plenty of times you can chose wiselyt to smoke. You probably will get caught at some point though from experience, but from this you will learn the times that are inappropriate to toke :p and when its sound to take a risk due to your experienced control :D

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