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just curious

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by toaster032, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. #1 toaster032, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2017
  2. gram 10$
    eigth 25$
    quarter 40$
    half oz 80$

  3. what the fuck....haha. Where is this at?
  4. lol never pay more than 10 bucks a gram unless its kush dude dont get ripped off with your weed get a trusted dealler
  5. Canada.
    I love people like this who assume where they live that their prices are the standard, when in the US, the standard is 20/g for dank weed.
  6. I love when people assume weed prices are the same everywhere in the world.

    The only thing you're getting hooked up for $10 around these parts is mids. And shitty mids at that.

  7. Why would you say that and then turn around and say they is a generic price for dank weed in the US. There isn't. Up here in the NW I would never pay more then 10 a g IDC how danky it is.
  8. i get $15 a g of some sweet ass dank and $5 a g of good mids
  9. wait wait wait wait...
    you'd pay $25 for a G, but you can get an oz for $350? that doesn't make sense...
    If you're paying $25 a G for anything other than extremely dank bud, you should be slapped.
    :smoke: cheers
  10. #10 toaster032, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2017
  11. I only get heads:
    60 / 8th
    110/ quarter
    I can get an oz for 300 bucks, which is a really good deal in my area.
  12. 20 a G where I reside. thats dank. mids are 5 a G and It's decent.
    an O should usually run you about 400-450 depending if the dealer is a middle man or a grower. I pitty anyone that has to buy a G for 25...I pitty myself for 20 a G...I want it for 10 thatd be fucking awesome!
  13. 220$ for an ounce of DANKUS, and theres no way thats going to last 112 bowls (Pussy bowls, maybe.) 50 bowls tops.
  14. those are the correct prices in my area lol
  15. #15 toaster032, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2017

  16. I expected weed on Jupiter to be a touch more expensive. Considering there's no land, so you can't really grow anything.

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