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Just cant be bothered

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by nomoredoubts, Jul 29, 2012.

  1. Sometimes do you find that T breaks just come naturally?

    I find that once every month or 2 months I just naturally cant be bothered smoking weed and even if I have plenty of good weed and I just decide to give it a rest with out even thinking about it.

    Does this happen to you or do you plan your T breaks?
  2. I enjoy the time away even if its 6 hours.
  3. With me, it's the whole grinding up process. I used to love grinding it up but I've done it so many times that I just wish I had an automatic one. (Won't buy one either cuz I have a perfectly functional grinder, why buy another?)
  4. [quote name='"Deuro"']With me, it's the whole grinding up process. I used to love grinding it up but I've done it so many times that I just wish I had an automatic one. (Won't buy one either cuz I have a perfectly functional grinder, why buy another?)[/quote]

    And so when you get sick of grinding bud you take. T-break?

  5. haha yea, pretty much. I'd rather spend a few days not smoking than spending 20 minutes grinding it up.

  6. it takes like 20 seconds to grind weed up

  7. haha maybe for you... with me, I'm not spinning my grinder at the speed of light. I take my time, it's not a race :p
  8. [quote name='"Deuro"']

    haha maybe for you... with me, I'm not spinning my grinder at the speed of light. I take my time, it's not a race :p[/quote]

    I take my weed out of the jar, put a bowl or two in the grinder and it's done in a few minutes tops.
  9. Yea I get bored sometimes. I just picked up a dank 1/8th and its been sitting in my room for 6+ days. Just broke it out tonight. I'm never "fiending" for bud, if I have it... cool! I try and never stay dry, so when the mood hits... I hit.
  10. No, somedays I'm too busy to smoke all day but usually at night after all my shits done ill sit down and take a hit or two from my bong and watch tv before bed
  11. lol what are you grinding zips at a time?
  12. I try to keep all that stuff in the weekends.

  13. Kudos if u succeed lol

  14. I grind up about a gram or so and pack my bong. Then I put it in my stash can and put the can in the fridge :)
  15. what happens with me when I stop smoking for a day or 2 when I go back to smoking I sometimes think why did I stop smoking and have 2 boring shitty days when I could of been stoned and happy so you cant win really.
  16. I get what ya mean its kinda like a cycle. For me its just the couple hours after i wake up that i enjoy being sober, then after like a couple days of being sober in the morning ill go back to smoking all day, then i gotta enjoy the morning sober again lol

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