And I saw two bubblers I couldnt decide between 1st : a triple chamber bubbler pretty big not diffused sherlock style (multiple marble colors) 2nd : a double chamber medicali bubbler diffused hammer style ( clear ) Need help deciding between the two ill get it first thing tomorrow if I decide Priced were about the same except the triple chamber bubbler was $15 more no biggie
medicali. the trip is likely chinese, and medicali is good glass, and the diffused hits will be much better, and clear glass is easier to clean more thoroughly.
Choose which ever one looks more like one you would like... Personally I would choose the first cuz I dont really like hammers
The triple chamber is locally blown and is thick glass I'm thinkin that the medicali may splash water since itS a hammer also the medicali would be more portable
Is this all the help I was able to get does any1 on here own any of the two pipes described tell me the pros and cons of each
I got splabblerphobia the fear of not being able to rip a bubbler without splash backs That's y generally I stay away from hammer style bubblers
the triple chamber would be a cool pipe, but its big, and probably china glass.the medicali is nice my friend has a hammer medicali, and its by far the best bubler ive hit. So id say medicali
Ok no the triple ain't china glass and now my main concern is if the dubble medicali will give me a splashback id rather get something I know can't splash me which if did happen will kill me high
But I've been reading that you have to tilt the double medicali so that it won't splash you in some other forums including this one
splash is relative to your water levels and how hard you hit it. if you rip it like a slut does ron jeremy's dick, anything will splash, the medicali, the tripbub, or even a full bong. just don't overfill it and remember it's a bubbler and it won't splash.
the medicali is 65 and the trip is 80 man I have a sherlock and no matter how hard I rip it if the chamber is filled 3/4 and below it won't splash me
keep your water levels right and it wont splash. medicali just fill with water till the bottom of the downstem is just covered.
I would go with the medicali. If its the one im thinking of, then ive hit it before. Was a nice tasty hit, guy had the water just at the right spot. I took a normal "pipe" hit and i didnt get any splash back. Honestly though, you should go with what you like. I wouldnt want a multichamber pipe purely due to the fact that it will be a bitch to clean, esecially in comparision to the medicali.
i dont kno if u can post youtube links but this is the same medicali im talking about [ame=]YouTube - medicali double bubbler[/ame]