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just broke the percs in my bong.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Flyin'High', Feb 4, 2011.

  1. yea im baked and I just got home from running with 4 friends from the poo leez. fucking broke the perculator in my bong when i was running.

    pretty much it yea.
  2. Think your cool cuz your high and you posted on grasscity? no one really cares about your bong being broken or you fake running from the cops
  3. i think hes mad over nothing haha,
    Anyways what did u do to half to dipset from the pigs?

  4. Chill man, no need for flaming.
    He broke his percs, have some sympathy.

  5. I think im cool cuz I just got away from the po lees hahahaha!

    And yea, I do find grasscity pretty cool to post on. Your obviously a wanna-be stoner or are just having personal problems right now. Either way, fuck off! hahahahah!
  6. i broke mine too and tonight ima try an fix it by putting epoxy in the open holes thus clogging the vroken one and getting it out of the equation. as of now all the smoke goes out the broken one and nothing is filtered. the problem is i gotta apply the epoxy with a q tip attached to a metal wire to stick down the tube and get around ice pinches!!! ill let u know how this goes. i plan on doing it tonight
  7. aight cool i'll try to fix mine too. except it was the top of the percs, so the fucking thing moves around inside the bong, and if I move it too far to the right i cant suck anything through.
  8. I broke my Perc too it sucks shit, 2 seven arm percs being reduced to 1 7 arm perc, however, if this apoxy thing goes well for reachin4cloud9 I might try it myself, post some pics brah! Also laughinggrassco, chill the fuck out man, he broke his percs and it's not that unbelievable that he ran from the cops, does it really matter man, he's sharing an experience with us, look at all the threads that are quite meaningless, you better go bitch at all of them too. Stick a tampon in or go bleed all over someone elses face.
  9. straight up bitch

  10. i dont really get what ur sayin but heres precicely what happened to mine. its a 4 arm perc and two arms broke clean off and were removed. the broke right at the top where they split into 4 from the single tube going up. and to the post below the one i quoted, yeah ill try my best to post pictures, although it will be pretty hard to show. i will tell u how it goes though. its gonna take some surgical precision to get this thing considering i have to go around HUGE ice pinches and its about a foot down my tube!! plus i gotta do it for two of em and all i have is fast setting epoxy so i gotta work fast. i also got this water sealant glue that i mite use. hopefully this works, and i might b the first to do this on gc cuz all the threads i found were people just removing the perc not fixing it
  11. update- so yeah my idea completely worked. heres what i did
    i got a metal rod long enough to reach the perc. i then taped/hot glued a qtip to the end and pulled off the fluffy part (qtip is necessary to bend and get around the ice pinches better). i then stired the epoxy in tin foil and let it harden a little till it was a little rubbery. then i put a chunk big enough to clog the hole of the broken arm. i then carefully placed it on the hole. (be prepared to get epoxy on the inside of ur bongand have to clean it off later). i then covered it and pressed it down as well as i could and seal the hole. i then stirred up more epoxy and this time applied it in its liquid form to seal anything and make it air tight. to scrape drips off the inside of the bong i used the metal rod w out the q tip. now my bongs perc works again and i hope you guys can fix yours too!

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