just bought some plants

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by sticky icky bud, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. #1 sticky icky bud, Jan 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2010
    A guy i know is leaving the country for good and so he is hooking me up with his plants. i will put up pics in 15 minutes. im going to pick them up now.
  2. Dont pay too much.. you should have asked for some seeds and bought any good equipment he had instead..
  3. na man he says its the real deal. well im of now. stick around he said there prety big.
  4. WOW THEY REALLY ARE HUGE!!! here is some pics

    But first...He took me to under a bridge where he was growing them (dont wory its out in the country/rural area) he said they were 'sour lemon diesel trainwreck kush' and that they only have 1 set of fingers instead of like 7 because when it starts to bud the whole thing will just be coverd in buds! he sounds like he knows what he is talking about too. he said that this is the 1 hit shit and gues what?!! i only had to pay 350 dollars for it fucking good deal.

    o there is like 5 plants there i think

    THIS IS SO FUCKING MAD!!! im really excited!



  5. troll i think silver ;)
  6. Do not feed the troll!!!
  7. #8 chiefton8, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    i really hope this is a joke...for your own sake.
  8. You're joking right?
  9. you just bought the bridge
  10. Dude you got ripped the fuck off.

    Im sure not even sure thats actually marijuana. Even if it was they look like males anyways.

    lol wow.
  11. hahahahh!!!Hhahahahah!!! money comes and money goes. however that is just hilarious.
  12. oh man...:/
  13. lol...'sour lemon diesel trainwreck kush'
  14. I hope this is not for real and I am saddened by this.Must...smoke...actual..budz.
  15. Well fuck me runnin! Im gonna grow some of that herb. Good thing you got the legal kind, now you cant get busted.:hello:
  16. LOL this has to be a joke
  17. whats wrong with these plants guys? you all sound like this is a joke? was i ripped of? he told me someone was going to buy them for 400 but he didnt have the money, i think it was a good deal?
  18. fuck man.
    How good did you know this guy haha

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