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Just bought some Grand Daddy Purple?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by DreamsFlyHigh, Aug 13, 2012.

  1. #1 DreamsFlyHigh, Aug 13, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2012
    Hey so I just bought some Grand Daddy Purple from a friend of my friend, and I was just wondering if it's legit? Also for the price? (I paid $55 for an 1/8)


    Sorry if it's a little blurry or if the colors are a little contrasted. What do you guys think? I'm waiting to get some papers before I try it.
  2. It doesnt look like legit grandaddy purp to me, but im not an expert or anything. dont let that get you down because its still definitely some dank. $55 an eighth is a pretty good price too.
  3. Looks delicious to me, but did you weigh it to make sure it's 3.5g?
  4. I've been smoking for a long time and I can honestly say that is NOT GDP, does not even seem like a full eighth.

    My advice to you is this. Do not trust "strain names" that dealers tell you until you are an experienced smoker who knows what specific buds look like. Often times dealers suggest great strain names so they can charge you more for bud, which makes them seem like they're hooking you up. If you want help learning about the different types of bud and what they look like there are many apps you can get on your phone to help you (Leafly, Frweed). Also, search Granddaddy Purp on Google and see for yourself what you did not get. It's not a big deal, just a rookie mistake.

    I am currently making a post in stash jar of real GDP I picked up from California, some of the nicest bud I've come across. You can checkout for yourself the differences between your stash and mine.

    Hope this helped man happy tokin!


  5. Yeah, I had him weigh it in front of me and double checked after I brought it inside :)

  6. I hope it's good, and thanks :)

    Thanks man, I'll definitely check it out!
  7. [quote name='"SensiBlazin420"']I've been smoking for a long time and I can honestly say that is NOT GDP, does not even seem like a full eighth.

    My advice to you is this. Do not trust "strain names" that dealers tell you until you are an experienced smoker who knows what specific buds look like. Often times dealers suggest great strain names so they can charge you more for bud, which makes them seem like they're hooking you up. If you want help learning about the different types of bud and what they look like there are many apps you can get on your phone to help you (Leafly, Frweed). Also, search Granddaddy Purp on Google and see for yourself what you did not get. It's not a big deal, just a rookie mistake.

    I am currently making a post in stash jar of real GDP I picked up from California, some of the nicest bud I've come across. You can checkout for yourself the differences between your stash and mine.

    Hope this helped man happy tokin!


    Yea. You cant tell what strain it is just by looking at it. And that means you cant tell that it isn't a specific strain just by looking at it, regardless of if you've smoked for 100 years. All strains have slightly different genetics in them. Even within the same strain.
    If someone has been growing a pure GDP strain, and only that for ten years, they can choose to grow the plants with the best genetics, resulting in possibly a slightly different smell/color/ or taste. I have had purps from the dispensary that is bright green. Ive also have purps thats so purple its most black.

    The only way to tell for sure is to smoke it and see if you get that trademark couchlock high.
  8. I think it might've been legit or at least close haha. One bowl and I was out.. I didn't even use much. :smoking:
  9. Id say its damned near impossible to just eyeball a strain from a picture. It could be GDP, who knows, as long as its dank you should be happy.
  10. It looks fucking delicious:yummy:

    unless its dense as fuck you got skimped.... enjoy what you have though... looks dank:cool:
  11. strain names are pretty bullshit usually
    if its purp and looks dank, who gives a crap, smoke that shit ;)
  12. looks dank, but I doubt that's a 8th unless those nugs are rock solid dense. that looks like ~2gs to me
  13. If you're high off of one bowl, I wouldn't complain if its GDP or not. Looks like you got a good deal to me. Maybe a little overpriced, but you seem content with it.
  14. Dank yes, gdp probably not. Dont get caught up in the name game unless you are buying from the dispensary, and its not even important.
  15. #15 jeffdankity, Aug 16, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2012
    i just got some gdp also dank ass fuck !

    Attached Files:

  16. #16 jeffdankity, Aug 16, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2012

    Attached Files:

  17. Thats some dank bud, I would never pay close to 55$ for a hq though.. We get everything here ATLEAST g for g, 25-30$ hqs from time to time,.
  18. If hes your friend you should try getting 50. ;)

  19. Haha, I'll make sure to ask him that tomorrow c:

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