Just ate some mush...

Discussion in 'General' started by c20h25n3oIsGood, Nov 19, 2007.

  1. rooms!

    about 10 minutes ago...

  2. Well, how many g's did ya eat?
  3. 2
    I tripped quite hard on 1.5 yesterday and that was my first time eating mushrooms.
  4. Ahh, well you'll still probably trip but if you tripped yesterday expect a shorter trip - should still be intense though. Have fun:cool:
  5. Indeed I hope to, man. I hope to gain some new insightful ideas on the world.
  6. That's a horrible idea.
    One of my friends tried to kill his dog on shrooms by himself.
    Do it with friends, son.
  7. Then you'll hardly feel anything, if you ate 1.5 yesterday.

    I had 3.5g's last night with two buddies of mine, along with lots of lines of raw, endless chronic and some vicodin. Weird but very enjoyable experience for me..

  8. sounds like its your goofy friend not the shrooms

    Ive done shrooms alone before...just look at your self in the mirror :smoke:

  9. i've done that on acid before...quite scary man

  10. your friend is a dummy.
  11. Have a great trip man.:yay:

  12. If you try to kill something/someone on shrooms - you may have some serious underlying issues. I really think psychedelics bring out a person's true self.
  13. how much mushrooms does one take to experience a trip and how much does it cost on average?
  14. Hah.
    Oh fuck.
    My other friend broke his leg when he jumped off of his roof.

  15. you need some new friends, bro.

  16. ummmmm....it cost me $40 an 1/8th but thats probably the highest you'll see it. I just can't find them anywhere often and I mean I tripped pretty hard yesterday and I only ate 1.5 it was nice though, not too overwhelming either
  17. thanks man! someone tried selling an 1/8th to me for $80. i thought something was off about that.
  18. I heard somewhere that it's usually standard to pay $10 for the first gram and $5 for each gram after that - seems fair enough to me. I say just grow them yourself though - VERY simple process.

  19. I've always wanted to grow my own. How much would a simple set up cost? and do u know how much it would yeild?
  20. are there any good sites that you know that have a good growing guide?

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