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Just Ate Raw Weed. 1/16th

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by bro41, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. I just ate a half eigth raw in butter. I will try to prove or debunk the idea that you can get high from merely eating raw weed. I completed eating my weed at 6:30
  2. congrats

    you fail:hello::wave:
  3. Epic fail but who said you could get high off eating weed?
  4. from what i believe is the THC has to be extracted (hense the cooking process) so you might not feel a thing but stupidity for wasting bud, dont trip, ive been there
  5. way to waste 1/16 of weed?
  6. Why are you guys hating? he is just trying for himself as he said, he could burn the weed with a blowtorch for all i care as long as it isnt a waste to him:smoke:
  7. LOL Let the man eat his weed if he wants!!

    I think its funny he used butter to eat it LOL. I would love to have seen that. :D
  8. Bleh!

    Chunks of butter with little gritty bits of weed!

  9. so i have now completed my trip.

    I did not feel the raw weed i ate for about two hours. I then decided to smoke a bowl of the same stuff and I was insanely blown. I then continued to watch Muppet treasure island and was throughly blown far more than average.

    So although I couldn't feel the trip that well by itself. Once i smoked a bowl my highness sky rocketed far above normal and I was in coo coo land
  10. So your research has proven that eating raw won't get u high.
    Congrats ur now out 1/16 of perectly smokable weed.
  11. Not gonna knock the curiosity. Study the herb. All I can say is that next time, try the same exact thing except put that butter bud mixture on a pan on low heat for 20 minutes and stirrrrr! You get fucked up before it's even time to eat. :D
  12. yeah yeah. i've made proper brownies many times.

    i just made a hug pickup and was just curious if it would fuck me up. i have to say i definitely felt the effects but not until much much later (maybe double the time from brownies).

    So obviously eating weed is not very efficient, but it did give me a weird not normal high
  13. either the effects took a long time, or it was placebo affect..?
  14. have fun sitting on the toilet all day tomorrow:)
    ur bathroom will smell like dank and its gonna hurt bro
  15. :rolleyes:
  16. I love how people are complaining about half an 8th..that's like 15$ holy shit big deal.
  17. /sigh I hate how the test was ruined by you smoking a bowl.... now we will never know if it was the bowl or the raw weed. You say you were 'higher than normal' gonna have to call this placebo because of the lack of control in your experiment.
    Sir, next time use the scientific method

  18. this ^^ haha wtf kinda experiment was that? you ate the weed and got bored waiting to see if it would get u high so u smoked a bowl?:confused: fail.
  19. Wow... Thats just fucking stupid.

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