Decided to make cannaoil to use in a batch of brownies to bring to the airport for my flight tomorrow with my gf. Used BKS' guide over in the edibles section, and made 1/4 cup of oil with about 4.2g of dank weed. Cut the brownies into 12 sections, which comes out to 0.35g worth of oil per brownie. Now I'm testing them I ate 2 since I have a reasonable tolerance and I'm just gonna hang out and see what happens, not much to do while I wait hence the thread lol I'll check back and see how they affect me; I've heard lots of varying opinions on how well edibles work, so we'll see. Here's a picture of the finished oil before straining.
Lol got wicked baked and passed out >.> hit me after about 2 hours. The body high made it noticeably different than a smoking high, I felt very "heavy" like my limbs and shit. That oil worked great, and couldn't even taste it in the brownies. Also I'm flying to puerto rico should be fun
that's weird I was just dreaming about eating edibles then I wake up and check grass city while lying in bed and see this thread. must be a sign that I need some edibles. have fun on your flight bro, I've never flown high before haha sounds like a trippy experience
hell yeah bro sounds like you got a good batch, dont forget you have to get up and get your luggage once you get there lol!
[quote name='"JamestheFreak"']I had an edible once, it didn't do jack shit.[/quote] It obviosly wasnt made properly. Good edibles knock u on ur ass trust me haha
[quote name='"JamestheFreak"']I had an edible once, it didn't do jack shit.[/quote] trial and error my friend
Yeah I suggest bks' stickied guide over in the edibles section, easy and worked great. I'm between flights in miami right now still high from the last 2 brownies I ate like 4 hours ago Started reading treasure island on the plane and by the time we landed I was on page 100 haha completely zoned and got lost in the book
[quote name='"500-80"']reporting this thread[/quote] For..? Haha. My comment on your thread was a joke relax
[quote name='"500-80"']I was kidding ha[/quote] My bad I thought you were pissed that I said that on your thread haha.. Anyway, brownies are all gone I'm just burnt out on my last flight gonna take a nap so I can have energy to go out for a couple drinks when we land
[quote name='"Bobby Blendz"'] My bad I thought you were pissed that I said that on your thread haha.. Anyway, brownies are all gone I'm just burnt out on my last flight gonna take a nap so I can have energy to go out for a couple drinks when we land[/quote] well talking about alcohol is illegal on the forums so all jokes aside I'm going to have to report you I'm just fuckin with you. but I was like "seriously?" when I saw you said that so I just came and said it to you, but I wasn't going to actually report it haha have fun man
[quote name='"justryingtogrow"']Oh yea peurto rico alright ya. Whenever I piss I cough. Anyone else?[/quote] you got it backwards