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Just another noob trying to grow pot

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by ThePurple, Sep 20, 2009.

  1. So I've read all of the stickies and I still have some questions

    Here is what I've got:

    • a vile of about 25 "mids" seeds.
    • a closet with an empty lower quarter
    • Multiple containers to grow in
    • Miracle Grow Organic choice Potting Mix
    • Miracle Grow Organic Choice Bone Meal
    • Miracle Grow water soluble plant food
    • 1 Coralife Aqualight Single Compact Fluorescent strip light 65 Watt 6700K
    • 2 small fans

    So I'm not looking to grow large scale (obviously). I just wanted to see if I could grow 1 or 2 plants for the hell of it. Do you think this is possible with what I have to work with?
  2. drop the miracle grow soil for regular will burn your plants. you'll also probably need more lights.

    i use 4 cfls at 100 watts each, and even that sometimes doesnt seem like enough.
  3. I used maricle grow soil and it didn't seem to harm the plants. I just let it get to a decent size (about 3 runs) before transplanting. I also used 4-12watt cfl and still grew some decent green, healthy plants. Though I would say you could grow with that, something I heard is that you can grow a little over 12" then sex and bud them out, less plant for the small wattage. Oh yea, we also used a warm air humidifier that kept our closet at about 78deg. and 60% humidity.
  4. #4 HeyGabbaGabba, Sep 20, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 20, 2009
    Yeah the organic soil is fine, it's the time release nute stuff that's a problem.

    To the OP, you're going to want more like 5 of those bulbs for one plant... Don't make the same mistake I made on my first grow and starve the plants for light, it shows on the plant size and how bushy they get.
  5. what do you mean by burn my plants?
    also, macgyver said he can grow plants with 4-12 watts and I have 65, what gives?

    can you explain how I "sex and bud" them out?

    thanks for your advice but I'm honestly not looking to grow big big plants. And this 65 wat light is meant for planted aquariums which I have, it's BRIGHT
  6. I am a newbie grower...I am trying to grow Durban Poison and so far it is going well. I have ten durban poison sprouts that are in the 2nd week of VEG and I am ONLY using Miracle Grow Moisture Control. I have found that if I use only distilled water I do not get the "burn" fact, I have used some tap water and no problems as of yet......people hate on miracle grow just because it has gotten cool to hate on it....its good stuff if you ask me. Post pics man...good to hear of another newbie growing for kicks.

  7. You will see that the moister control will actually mess with the feeding and the watering. You need to water a good water ever few days. The water things dont allow you to do so.

    You want regular soil with a 25% mix of perlight. Thats the best. Also MG just is nasty for Marijuana. It does tend to burn with more waters, because also the soil has these little green balls of ferts. The can pop when ever. releasing random amounts of ferts into the soil causing to much and its really hard to flush soil when those are with in,.
  8. Yea...all ten of my sprouts are starting to show signs of this "burn" i have been hearing, I am hating it. They were looking so pretty up until today. Actually, 3 of them are not showing signs of it yet, but I believe it shall. Help me figure out what to do? I have worked so damn hard on these...I got in way over my head by germinating so many because I did not think they would all germ. I have put everything I got into these...I mean, I still have more seads and I will be more careful next time, but, any way I can fix this? I have been thinking that maybe if I water the hell out of them with distilled water and "flush" them? I am a nice?
  9. listen fella it happens, so don't beat urself up about it, flush the plants like you said, but don't overwater them too much, and then leave them be as the plants will be quite stressed. then see what happens to them. they should get better. always try and use 1/4 of the stated dose of nutes to start and then you will avoid nute burn. good luck
  10. honestly if you;re just growing for the hell of it, then I'd suggest one more light and you're good. My get-up is far from any art many have made it in their set-up. I'm just doin it to see how it all works and whatnot,... and I only have 2 lights on mine and I originally had 9 plants (now down to 4) and I have 2 50w CFLs and this 75w POS "grow light" that really is just a waste,... but my biggest is 4 feet tall and has grown a foot since its topping a month ago, and some of the leaves are as big as my hand, so for a first-timer in a little ghetto rig, I'd say its not doing so bad. Just don't use Miricle Grow,... I've never heard positive things come from it. If you use any Miricle Grow vitamins or whatever,(which technically you shouldn't do anyway cuz the formulation isn't good for MJ), water it down horribly. Like, I use 1tsp per gal of water and only use it every other time I water cuz too much of that stuff will eat at your roots and whatnot cuz its very alkline or whatever.
  11. I did this same thing last summer.

    For marijuana, if you're going to get Miracle Grow, I suggest the Rose Potting Mix. No burn and excellent results. Still nothing compared to Fox Farms Ocean Forest with a Grow Big nutrient regiment.
  12. I always hear people arguing about miracle grow, I got some happy frog soil and neem oil and the hydro guy said that neem is worse than miracle grow nutes?
  13. Miracle grow organic choice with perlite and peat moss added to its nice stuff. The rest of mg's stuff is too harsh for ur plant. Even if it makes it to the finish ur bud will have a nasty chemical taste
  14. I've grown some awesome bud in MG, although this time out I went with the organic. I never had plants get "burned," Durban poison the 1st time, huh? enjoy.
  15. ThePurple
    If you shop around a little more you can drop the water soluble plant food and make an organic mix that only needs water from start to finish.

    Worm castings and/or compost is a must have item. Avoid the cheap composted manure or mushroom compost and go for the good stuff. You might try craigslist for a good sources nearby.

    Score something for aeration. Oil absorbant from NAPA is pure diatomaceous earth and really cheap. Other good options include rice hulls (available at homebrew stores), lava rock (any hardware store, but you may need to crush it a little), and perlite so long as it is not the Miracle Grow brand.

    Other mission critical items would be kelp meal and at least on of the following; gypsum, arragonite, oyster shell meal, crab shell meal, pulverized crushed egg shells, and/or dolomite lime. Anywhere that has garden supplies will carry at least one of 'em.

    Nute program handled.
  16. [quote name='"ThePurple"']So I've read all of the stickies and I still have some questions

    Here is what I've got:

    [*]a vile of about 25 "mids" seeds.
    [*]a closet with an empty lower quarter
    [*]Multiple containers to grow in
    [*]Miracle Grow Organic choice Potting Mix
    [*]Miracle Grow Organic Choice Bone Meal
    [*]Miracle Grow water soluble plant food
    [*]1 Coralife Aqualight Single Compact Fluorescent strip light 65 Watt 6700K
    [*]2 small fans

    So I'm not looking to grow large scale (obviously). I just wanted to see if I could grow 1 or 2 plants for the hell of it. Do you think this is possible with what I have to work with?[/quote]

    Ditch the mg soil. Sunshine mix or foxfarms are much better mediums.

    For my single plant I have six 40w CFLs and getting 2 more tomorrow. The more light the better

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