Just another hilarious anti-pot thread

Discussion in 'General' started by Austen420, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. #1 Austen420, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010

    Wasn't sure if the OP was trolling or not, but the people agreeing with are fuckin hilarious.

    Enjoy :)


    Doesn't this statement just seem a little... off?

    An another note... is off the only word ever to have two Fs at the end?

    O F F
    o f f
    o f f

    and think about how you pronounce it... "awf".

    Hahahaha so faded :smoking:
  2. stuff, puff hilary duff
  3. Ehhh if I felt like seeing bullshit, I'd turn on Fox News.
  4. that's cliche.
    but anyway lol. that's funny. where the heck does that person get their info from?
  5. his rant is so obsurd i dont know to take it seriously or not. If this is how he actually feels than I just feel sorry for him because he apparently thinks I deserve to be in jail more than a serial rapist because I enjoy taking a bonghit everyday and relaxing with my diog and girlfriend....I know....I'm a horrible person whos ruining America

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