Just an idea

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by HighAsFuck247, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. I'm starting to come up with a good way to rule out the women that aren't even worth paying attention to. If you give someone a $200 mp3 player and they won't even hug you, then they aren't worth your time. But the mp3 player still pisses me off. I wish I could take that shit back!
  2. You definitely need a better method. A $200 investment to judge every chick you meet is gonna get real expensive :)
  3. For real, i think your goint after girls you think are going to give it up, which will make your dick fall of anyway... you wanna pay to have your dick fall off?

  4. haha! No I was bein sarcastic. I'm just pissed about something that happened a long time ago. I just can't believe ppl are so selfish.
  5. [​IMG]

    Thanks, I needed that...

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