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Just a warning to newer smokers...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by AlchemicalDependence, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Never EVER try to hotknife without pants on. :mad:
  2. Exellent first post sir! :laughing::D:smoking:
  3. Don't cook bacon with your shirt off.
  4. Lold nice first post man. Welcome to the city.:bongin:
  5. haha damn man that sucks
  6. oh man owch thats rough dude
  7. lmao

    care to explain? lol
  8. i'm assuming he burnt his wiener
  9. Whats does it mean to "Hotknife"?
  10. Well last night when I had a friend over she had the wonderful idea to bring a nice-sized bag of keif. She wanted to smoke it out of a bowl, but (1) I didn't feel like pressing it, and (2) I left my pieces on campus. So i figured I'd hotknife it like I'd always done. So I'm sitting at the table with the candle and she's like "ooh let me try." Well it was hers so I wasn't going to not let her partake. But as I'm passing her the already hot knives, she fails to grab them, and one of them landed on the boys. Needless to say (since I really hadn't had more than a bit and wasn't more than buzzed) I was (and still am) in some pretty serious pain and no longer was in the mood for sex :(
  11. Hotknifing is a somewhat ghetto way of smoking hash and keif. You get either a candle or a stove burner, a plastic bottle and 2 butter knives. You put some of the keif/hash on one knife and heat the other one up really hot, then press it to the one with the keif/hash on it, while inhaling :)smoking:) through the bottle (which you cut the bottom off of). Do a youtube search to see it in action
  12. damn bro thats harsh!

    Make her kiss them shits better

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