just a simple question... i think

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by sizong, May 30, 2009.

  1. hey quick q for all of ya'll when a fan leaf desides to cover the budd and not let it get any light what should i do i dont want to snip it off and stunt my plant, i think i might of read on here about tying it down and pulling it out of the way .. does this work and how well .. pictures would be cool on how you guys have done it.. thnk you

  2. You got the right idea, and I don't even know of any pics because it is so not complicated that there really isn't anything to demonstrate. You can use anything that works to tie or hold it back -- folks have used string, bent paper clips, pipe cleaners, dental floss, coated electrical wires, etc. Just get that fan out of the way so light gets to where you want, that's all there is to it.
  3. ya i normally try to stuff them under then potential bud site , but if they are huge i'll pluck it off....or if it moves back into the way

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