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Just a regular beginners attempt to grow Hemp!

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by WhiteDawg, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. Not growing hemp just a cover up. I call this operation Dank Smacked...(look at my notes to see what smacked means).

    So one day like most days I was high I thought of why am I buying weed when I can just grow it. Thats exactly what my highass did after my bro copped some regular bud.

    When I started growing I hardly noticed, me being unfamilar with its life cycle that of both weed and ordinary plant life I thought it never grew. So ignoring it for a while its stalk w.e. You call it started becoming limp bexause it wasnt close to the sun. My high ass broke it by accidently proping it aginst something.

    To high and to rung with guilt i wanted to avenger him, her or it. Hopefully these shits arent male

    Doing my hw for a couple weed i found some much information on the forumns and talking to a good friend on here. SOo beginning of my journey!

    Basically did the water-glass germenation tech. Left them in water for two days. None of them had a noticable sprout except the one the day after...planted 5 tues and 1 wed... So here i thought i did so much asian lvl research wth bruh i than put them all in soil gave 1 direct sunlight and 4 in the dark....all the day before i got that wed 2 days only the one in sunlight sprouted...soo my ass moved them all under my light...

    But than my friend informed me i was also supposed to be 1/4 deep not having know that the only basic thing i didnt look up 3 of them were buried too deep and i had to dig some of them up....only 2 showed any visible signs off sprouting both removed shells..

    High writing this um i know i have more 5 cups lol all planted at diff times and only have a pic of one...

    My one question can 2 stalks sprout from the same seed im such a early stage ? Is that signs of hermie? its only one plant? pixx


  2. Chill bro. Be patient. Two will not sprout from 1 seed. Way to early to tell sex. Thats 2 plants bro. We need more info what kind of lights you running?¿
  3. Nottt a good one its a flurosent light bulb, produces minor heat. I know its to early to tell sex i just thought it mightve been an indicator...germination def devlops a seed faster guys!

    Btw which light bulb shud i be getting I went around the forumns found some in mind but looking for other opinions upon the seedling stage...

    I missing alot of things i should have but these are just reg seeds...I will have more swag by the time i start planting real stuff....
  4. Damn no way of moving them there so close...

    I heard if theres more than one in a pot there more likey to turn male or hermi on me =[
  5. LoL i know I was really baked yesterday guys..
    I could really use the help now?
    What light should I be using for the stage?
    That's all I really need to know right now my plant is growing great
  6. and is there anyway I can move the other one without damaging either of them
  7. T5 fluros or some cfl 6500k for veg 2700k flower. If you want to be a g go with metal halide for veg and high pressure sodium for flower.
  8. i think mines are about 400 hps but i can't be too sure they don't produce noticeable heat but it does produce enough so that when it gets bigger I don't know how it will react....but the seedling stage won't be up for maybe another 2weeks i heard it takes from 3 to 5 weeks

    And I'm also going to need to control the growth I can't let the plants get to big because of my mom o.o so how can i prevent root rot in a small pot?
  9. should just gett a bigger pot and stay away from growing "plants" in your parents house...

    they could lose it all if your caught growing... better off to wait till you get your own place...

    Goodluck though...
  10. not growing in my parents house not specifically going to tell you...but im not growing in my house =) that would be stupid lol but I am taking care of these plants, i would never risk my mom's well being, plus if she ever does come through I'll just get rid of these plants, there reggie when i purchase seeds I should have better equipment, I just want to see how far I can get.

    Also I wanted to know if I can keep it int he small cups, I've seen alot of people do and they don't grow that big. PLUS I am only growing one, your going to smell nothing once I get a carbon filter and osculating fans...
  11. You dont know what your light is? You need to read bro.
  12. I just told you what it is? are you guys hi its 400 hps...

  13. to me, if it were really a HPS, it would produce noticeable heat...

    how bout a pic bro...
  14. I agree.Read more :smoking:

    Can we get some pics of your setup?
  15. My box runs 83f with all my fans on i got 4 and running 150w cfl
  16. Oo ok ill post a pic tommrow i was doing 3 day intervals again guys I'm new to this lol you guys are very hostle. And yeah it produces heat but only if you touch it for a couple mins like you can't really tell but i am gonna make sure what it is and give you the rest of the details..
  17. it sounds like you got fluros or cfl,not trying to be rude or hate on your setup bro........Just want to help ya out.
  18. Not understandable and i appreciate the help you guys are very passionate ar what you do. Just a lil embrassed to show but i do promise an update every 3 days
  19. I meant understandable. So its been about one week to a week and a couple days for some of these plants. Another one started growing from my pot and honestly i only planted 2 seeds in that pot idk howwwwww theres 3 of them. My set up and my room is constantly maintaing 75/77 degrees. One light in the middle of all of them. Alsooo when i moved the plant one of its leaf had gotten cut off somehow don't know. I hope it wasn't or bug or something. I doubt it but cant rule it out!

    There all growing nicely haven't added any food as of yet or ferts

    Attached Files:

  20. just water now bro.. every 3 days or so...

    keep in mind that 1 plant needs 100 actual watts to veg properly... everyone after the first needs 50 additonal wattss.. gooodluck bro

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