Just a little odd??

Discussion in 'General' started by TheyGaveMeaGun?, Apr 1, 2009.

  1. Now the more I think about it the more odd it seems. I am a personal trainer and I smoke bud around 2 times a day. Does anyone find this strange or in the least bit hypocritical? Marijuana =/ working out imo

    Happy toking all:smoke:

    P.S hit the gym :metal:
  2. Not hypocritical at all. I love working out high.
  3. Yeah Joe Rogan dose it...:cool:
  4. not at all. i got a buddy that goes to the gym 3 days a week, this dudes yoked and smokes as much as i do. i actually recommend smoking after you work out......i would get in trouble for telling clients that, but hey lol.
  5. I think being high while doing physical things is sweet, like going for runs and all that shit. Sometimes i get baked just so mowing the lawn will be more fun.
  6. haha very true. Along time ago i decided that i would never again mow sober. way to long and repetitive of a job.
  7. No way, I used to take two or three karate classes in one night (2-3 hours straight working out), smoke a bowl on the way home, shower, change, smoke another, and go to bed. Always felt AMAZING. That was back when I only smoked once or twice a day so I got super blazed.

    "If you smoke pot, eat well and work out, I guarantee you'll live forever." -Tommy Chong

    You know Chong can't be wrong
  8. yeah general consensus is working out high is grand. i would love a personal trainer I could smoke with. either we'd smoke before and have a great workout or use it as a motivator to make sure i work out!:D
  9. Nah, man. Defy the stereotype of a lazy stoner! Working out high is fun, even though I hear it can mess with your heart... But it's nice to truly feel and appreciate your blood rushing through your veins, all of your muscles working, etc.

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