Just a lil rant about a friend

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Reppin 713, Jul 17, 2011.

  1. We'll label this person as f, anyways f was always the "pot head" and a good friend of mine who got my into smoking this summer. Recently there was some bullshit church retreat called the young life retreat, like 500 people from churches around my town go to Colorado in the mountains and have some bullshit religious meetings or something. Most of my friends went and about 5 of my friends went who were "pot heads" and they brought weed and a pipe with them. And now f ones back from this shit and apparently has "quit smoking" bullshit, all his ass has done is act like he has stopped to try and get some fucking girls, who are not all that hot anyway. He's becoming such an ass posting shit on Facebook about religion, god, and Jesus being his savior and other crap. First off god isn't real, second off you don't know shit about god anyway, just because you went on some retreat doesn't mean you know what your talking about. He's putting on some fucking act just for girls, if girls you think are hot can't accept you smoking why the fuck does your desperate ass keep going after them like some fucking dog. Oh and another thing f went to the beach this weekend with another of our friends go also smokes and is trying to get the other friend to stop also and so he apparently had to smoke to get on the same page as this friend to talk to him... Yeah fucking right asshole. Highschool sucks fucking dick sometimes.
  2. if he really believes then let him believe whatever he wants. People do change and outgrow old ways. If its just some act for girls tho then fuck that lol and if the beach thing is true then fuck him
  3. #3 potchocolate, Jul 17, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2011
    I wouldn't shit on him too much for it. So he has a religion, so what? It's good to have some beliefs.

    He doesn't want to smoke anymore, then okay fine. Don't pressure people into things they don't want to do, invite him to smoke, and if he says no, make the invitations less frequent.

    People change my friend, for better or for worse. As life goes on you will meet new friends, as old ones will change. There are a few friends that will stay in your life forever (If you are lucky) but most of them will change somehow and you will meet new people.

    You don't have to be sad about this, just remember the good times and he should always be a good bro to you.

    Don't try to change him, exchange him. ;)

    Also, a friendship based on smoking weed isn't a real friendship. If you can't be friends without the marijane, I would re-evaluate your friendship with him.
  4. People change in prison, the military, going to war, you don't fucking change after going on a church retreat in highschool. What a joke this is one of the dumbest threads I've ever made haha.
  5. Who says you can't believe in god and smoke weed?

  6. Just wait it out and see what happens. If hes faking it for some girls im sure it wont last too long before they find out or he goes back to smoking weed
  7. God isn't real? Thats a powerful statement dude. Many people have fought over the concept of religion. Anyways, your friend sounds like a whipped desperate asshole, but that's his business and if he pisses you off just ignore him
  8. Talks about getting drunk quite a bit in the bible, and if people can believe in god and get drunk, why can't you smoke weed and believe in god? Getting drunk prohibits more judgement than smoking, so what's honestly really worse? If anything I think smoking weed would help you spiritually connect with. Alright well I think god is real, ill use a reference from the bible to back me up. <- all of this came to me from a "burning bush" ;)
  9. kinda ironic because i have to go on a "mission trip" with my church tomoro lol. get community service
  10. first who are you to say there is no god.
    second who the fuck cares
  11. You sound like a person I wouldn't want as my friend.
  12. #13 Smotpoking, Jul 17, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Your "friend" is a idiot /facepalm he has committed the unforgivable sin of cannabis smoking.
  13. #14 Fëanor, Jul 17, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2011
    Guess what.

    It's none of your business if he smokes weed, believes in God, or tries to get girls.

    If you don't want to be his friend because his belief systems are different from yours (even if his belief system is 'wateva it takes to get dat pussay lolz'), then you are certainly free to make that choice.

    I also don't believe in God but if one of my friends decided to stop smoking weed and began preaching about God, I would support them in their decision. In fact I have before, multiple times with different friends. I know many people who have "found religion." Some on their own, and some who have changed their religion and dedicated their lives to their new beliefs because of the person they love.
  14. yes fuck the who cares.
  15. #16 imyourcat, Jul 17, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2011
    so why do you care?

    cuz hes against pot now?
    or hes mackin on your girl?
  16. calm down man. let him do what he wants. his religious views are none of your business. you should be happy for him that he doesn't feel the need to smoke anymore. if you're really his friend you should be able to still have fun with him sober, if not, it might be in your interest to consider quitting too.

  17. Nowhere in the bible says anybody gets drunk. When they talk about wine they talk about juice pretty much. They don't mean wine like today.

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