Jury Duty

Discussion in 'General' started by married2mj, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Just got a letter that I have to go to Jury Duty.

    Would it be unwise to get mad high beforehand and then blaze during every break throughout the day(s)?

    Cuz this is bullshit I don't wanna do this but I'm not sure if I should mix weed with legal shit even if it isn't for me.

    what do you think
  2. LOL Have fun being high surrounded by cops. In a fucking COURT ROOM. But Im sure your paranoya wont kick in :)
  3. Don't they pull you into a selection pool then screen you? Just fail the screening.
  4. what happens if u ignore the letter??
    lol ive done this several time :eek:
  5. If you have balls of steel, then yes go for it.
  6. Just tell them you're a communist. A MUSLIM communist.

  7. I like your avatar, that's Banksy right?

    OP: Sounds sketchy, if it were me I would probably get super paranoid
  8. DO IT MAN:devious: after report back on gc
  9. just go in there look at the people next to you and say "awful lotta honkeys in here"
  10. Yep^ act like a racist and theyll mark you off forever. No way is this corrupt ass government going to make me sit there and judge another man's life and decide his fate.
  11. Haha damn how long is it exactly like from the early morning into the afternoon?

    id have to be high on something,,,but i dunno bout leaving herb in your car then going out to burn in the parking lot

    i know sometimes they run dogs through places like that looking for weapons or dumb people that bring drugs around cause they do get busts ,,, same thing with the actual jail parking lots

  12. Si Senor
  13. DO IT DO IT DO IT!!!!!!!!!! ur gonna get arrested
  14. they issue a warrant for your arrest for failure to appear in court which i highly doubt anyone will actually follow up on. I appeared in traffic court and the judge told me i had a warrant out for my arrest. I had already gotten excused so he let it slide though
  15. i didnt show up to my last couple ones and i got pulled over recently i guess no warrants
  16. seriously?!?!?!?!:eek:
    just for ignoring jury duty?!?!?!:eek:
    can anyone else vouch for this info????:eek:
    could i possibly have a warrant out for me??
    ive been pulled over before tho so....didnt have a problem
  17. somebody just said they recently got pulled over after skipping many jury duties and didnt have any warrants

    i know people that dont go and i havent known anybody to get arrested for not going

    doesnt mean it doesnt happen but things get dropped in the system sometimes and a non appearance to jury duty seems like it would easily be one of those things

    but if you id just go and check it out man...
  18. yea i dont go and i get pulled over all the time. fuckin vw, headlights and taillights always blowing ut.... :rolleyes:.
  19. The trick is to say you're prejudice against all races

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