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Juicyfruit (medical strain - macros)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Sunn, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. What's up, haven't made a post in the stash jar in awhile. Recently we got a new camera and I haven't even touched it, but I've been wanting to. A few days ago I picked up an eigth of this beauty so I figured it was time to start taking some pics again. Anyway on to the review..

    The smell of this strain is overwhelming. It might be the strongest smelling weed i've ever smelled before. Smells delicious too, almost like fruit. The taste is pretty smooth too, though not as amazing as the smell. It's a nice uplifting sativa high, very social and happy. almost euphoric. It also seems to last a few hours too, which is unusual for me since i have a pretty high tolerence. It's definitely some good shit, that's for sure.

    Also this isn't an entire eigth in the pics, as i've been smoking some obviously.

    there's a purple hair here, there's some other traces of purple in some of my other pics too:

    taking all these pics and looking at them has just made me want to smoke some so much, so I think i'll go pack a bowl of it.

  2. picked up a half of juicy fruit last week, buds looked exactly like those. damn! that was some good bud
  3. Yeah, I just smoked a big bowl of it and i'm fucking lit haha. Looking at the pictures just made it feel that much more amazing too :smoke:
  4. #5 Ganja Fett, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    yeah I just finished smoking a lil nug of sour dee and my friend hooked me up with a big bud of some juicy fruit for 15 dollars. it weighed out as 1.7. haha imma smoke some later out of my bubbler. :smoke:
  5. i just wanna say, after smoking more of this bud the last few days, this is some of my favorite shit i've ever smoked. it's an intense sativa high that just gets into your head and doesn't let go, literally. ive been good for like 5 hours now haha
  6. looks like outdoor not bad tho
  7. Yeah man I had some Juicy Fruit a while back and the smell is just divine! :smoking: One of my favorite strains of recent times..
  8. my juicy fruit micro grow.

    Attached Files:

  9. you must be trollin
  10. Right on, Man Dank shit..
  11. One of my favorite strains also. I love the's unique.

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