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Joints, Bowls, or Blunts?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by alex14205, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. What do you prefer for smoking, Joint, Bowl or Blunt.... bong, vap,..etc not included.
  2. blunt but i'm liking the aspect of a very well rollen joint
  3. Bowl. I like to conserve weed and taste it. I vape a lot but you left that out
  4. I love joints man, don't get me wrong I love bowls and blunts as well, but I love joints so much I want to kidnap one and keep it in the old well I my basement.
  5. i don't smoke tobacco anymore although back in the day i loved blunts.

    While smoking a joint is less work, i get more high off my bowl with less weed, so i usually go for the bowl. :smoke: although this guys smoking a joint so idk.
  6. BOWLS!! they are practicle! and come in all different types of peices! Easy to load, easy to smoke. Good way to count how much you have smoked... like I have had 3 bowls today! will prabably have up to 8-10 more bowls lol :D

  7. I've had like 3 joints today!

    Shit that was hard to count.
  8. Its actually alot harder to tell how much weed is being used after you have grinded it and put it in a joint.. Its an inconsistent process. Unless your weighing your smoke out...

    and why do you feel the need to be a douche? Thats much more interesting to me.. kinda sad really
  9. if you are the one doing the grinding then its not that hard to count just look at the amount of marijuana beforehand. and stop being so sensitive although everyone should be nice :wave:
  10. Well for one, you technically encounter similar inconsistencies when packing a bowl, i mean sure you took a gram out of the bag, but less could end up in there, plus we can't forget the thc rubbing off on your hands in the process.

    I'm not being a douche, you're just oversensitive, I was pointing out that counting the bowls isn't any easier then counting other things. Unless you're god and can always put the same exact amount of bud into your smoking apparatus, counting them doesn't really do much but give you a ball park.

    And if you really think thats douchebaggery, I'd love to see what you think of the Jersey Shore cast.

    EDIT: Holy shit mkatz6693 you live in scarsdale? I'm from ardsley
  11. Blunts and joints over bowls...smoked nothing but bowls for almost a year, just recently started smoking blunts and joints. In my opinion they are waaaaay smoother and don't hit as harsh.
  12. Touché :) I know im oversensitive lol
  13. bowls

    i couldnt wrap a half decent blunt if my life depended on it lol
  14. Blunts..

  15. I always pegged you as a bowl guy...
  16. Joints usually.
    Blunts with friends.
    Bowls when I'm running out of bud, papers, or have the time to smoke with one.

    Bowls use less weed, but the difference (to me anyways) is minute. :D
  17. Depends on how much weed/money I have. I LOVE to smoke blunts but I rarely have the amount of weed i'm willing to use in one sitting for it.
    So its usually bowls for me
  18. My favortie is a bong but out of those three a bowl

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