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Joint or Homemade pipe?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by DMX, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. I always smoke blunts. But today, I have no dutch, and I dont feel like walking to the store and getting a dutch. Its fucking cold. Well anyways, I always keep a pack of papers for times like these. But joints dont get me as high as blunts would, and they burn so fast dam. Im thinking should i make a pipe or bong out of something instead of using papers. Ive heard pipes get you higher by conserving weed and whatnot. Im no amature smoker ive been smoking for 3 years, Im just bored and aint smoking for a while and would like to know your opinion for my situation.

    If you dont wana read all that, Then here..

    Smoke a joint or make a pipe?

    Thanks everyone.
  2. save some money and smoke a pipe
  3. Home made pipe fo sho
  4. well it's been three min. since you posted this so your probably already blazed. i'd make a bong, a semi-stable one for moments like this in the future. joints waste alotta bud anyways.
  5. Make a pipe.
  6. Lol im not high yet. Still debating.
  7. Gatorade/plastic bottle bong...:hello:
  8. make a waterfall bong their bad ass [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
  9. stick to papers until you can buy a real pipe
  10. save up for a nice glass spoon or bubbler, you wont regret it! :smoke::)
  11. this. a jay will always be better than anything homemade. and it's not really going to waste anything, unless you just sit there and let it burn.
  12. in a pinch, make a pipe out of an apple...:smoke:
  13. Thanks guys... I smoked a blunt between 4 people. Mad as fuck i wasted that bud. no1 even chipped in.

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