Joint Informational Hearing on Proposition 19: the Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis act of 2010 Tax Cannabis Act of 2010 Joint Informational Hearing on Proposition 19: the Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010 Date: 9,21,2010 Joint information hearing of Senate and Assembly on Proposition 19 Go to the link in the title to listen to what the California elected legislature think of Prop 19,take your bong and some popcorn.
Whew,that was long but refreshing. The legislative panel listened to each speakers input,then then told the CA Assn of Chamber of Commerce and other organizations that regardless of their concerns about the prop to get cracking because it was a ballot issue,not a legislative one. The legislators wanted to have the cities to get regulations in place so that the problems that occurred in 215 won't reoccur in 19. In other words,get ready cities and counties,here comes the train.