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joint help again

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by GQrawelements, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. I rolled a few today that canoed what am I doing wrong as far as technique? any feedbacc is appreciated
  2. Try rolling tighter/ smoke it right. Spin it and have the slowest burning part facing up.
    If it does canoe, lick a ring and fix it
  3. thanks I'll try it
  4. could be your weed isn't evenly distributed. make sure to tap it or pack it a little. the tighter it looks the better it burns. as far as i've found
  5. Make sure that before you roll it, you have a pretty even amount of tree from end to end of the paper. The finished product obviously shouldn't look like a fat burrito or pregnant fish or whatever you want to say. It should look as close to a cigarette as possible.

    Also, after you tuck, just before you start rolling, make sure that you are rolling at a constant, even rate with both thumbs. In other words, don't have the left side of the joint be tighter than the other, and vice-versa.

    The last thing I'd suggest is to take pictures of your J's and post them on here (especially the ones that canoe).
  6. [quote name='"TheSublimeIbis"']Make sure that before you roll it, you have a pretty even amount of tree from end to end of the paper. The finished product obviously shouldn't look like a fat burrito or pregnant fish or whatever you want to say. It should look as close to a cigarette as possible.

    Also, after you tuck, just before you start rolling, make sure that you are rolling at a constant, even rate with both thumbs. In other words, don't have the left side of the joint be tighter than the other, and vice-versa.

    The last thing I'd suggest is to take pictures of your J's and post them on here (especially the ones that canoe).[/quote]

    yeah that's the problem I'm having now my doob is looser towards the top. rolling around the filter's fine but getting the tucc further up the rest of the doob is the problem. anybody has a specific tip for this part?
  7. in my opinion its all really about how you light it. take your lighter and just hold it on the end of the joint slowly turning in, and maybe even giving it a couple blows to get it burning nicely. after you do this then you can puff on it a couple times and start smoking. it always works for me no matter how ugly the joint could look
  8. [quote name='"BlazeyBones9"']in my opinion its all really about how you light it. take your lighter and just hold it on the end of the joint slowly turning in, and maybe even giving it a couple blows to get it burning nicely. after you do this then you can puff on it a couple times and start smoking. it always works for me no matter how ugly the joint could look[/quote]

    yeah I had to learn that as well cuh before I'd try and use my zippo to spark my doobs and it would roast them! so now I keep a bic to avoid that

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