Joint filters????

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by nachoboomer, Dec 31, 2023.

  1. What's your preference, filtered or non filtered? Have a favorite type? My sinuses/lungs appreciate the lower dust & particles with a "dense" type (cotton?) filter. How do you roll?
  2. Wish I could roll. My fingers don't work to well anymore. What I would really like to have is an old stile vintage Bugler roller. That's what we used back in the early 70's.
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  3. Bong hits here. The extremely rare times I need a j I'll pack a pre rolled RAW cone that has a paper tip.
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  4. Cotton filters??? Are they like filters you use when rolling your own cigarettes??

    I've only ever used roach aka a piece of cardboard from the packet Ur papers come on & the packs of paper/cardboard tips you can buy lol
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  5. I don't have a bong. Need to get one. I gave the last one to a friend that needed it worse than me. I quit smoking for quite a while and just did edibles, but the last couple of days I've pulled out the pipe. Edibles are fine but not the same.
  6. YES! I've done the rolled up cardboard but that does not stop the little particles that seem to bother my lungs/sinuses most??? The filters that are more like a commercial tobacco cigarette seem to work for me? anyone else?
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  7. filters for weed traditionally are just a bit of rolled cardboard inserted into the end of the joint
    just for the lips to grab and latter for the tweezers even finger to hold the roach until done

    I don't think there is any intention for the filter to work like a ciggie filter, but just to hold onto

  8. TRY IT, it is a much smoother hit with less coughing, for me. + no crumbs spilling out the end?
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  9. Check out Weedgets charcoal filters. Highly functional. I have only used them with their pipe, but know they would roll well.
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  10. Have u tried cutting a strip of cardboard and putting it inside the roach/filter after you've rolled up?? I've done that many times when I've made the roach too big/started to get bits in my mouth
  11. If you can think of it, I've probly tried it at 1 time or another.
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  12. Switch to a dry herb vape ...
    Lookah Ice Cream $29.99 (
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  13. Same here. I use a cone packer. I use the Elements brand cones. They are better. I do kind of like the idea of adding some actual filtration though.

    Raw cone packer.JPG
  14. The ones I spoke of are actually some kind of foam. Cotton would be more "natural"??? I cannibalized these from "Kashmir pre rolled tubes" The color says Coral but they are pink AF, & the paper is way too thick. OTOH a doobie with one of these filters & a zig zag 1 1/4 slo burning paper & ZZ rolling machine (due to the shakes) is so nice. :GettingStoned::thumbsup:
  15. Personally I like the taste of vaped weed and extracts better then any other ways of smoking and vaping.
    Your right the taste is night and day difference.
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  16. In todays/technology I think allot of dry herb vapes that on the market work good.
    I have about a dozen dry herb vapes and 6 or 7 nectar collector/wax carvers. I like my Lookah dry herb vaporizers just as well as my Mighy. I have the Volcano. that like allot too
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  17. To be fair I only tried 1 type, coughed as much & never got those big clouds of smoke, it was like sucking a golfball thru a garden hose. Not the best vape & not doing it right I'm sure.
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  18. They are out there, someone bought me an electric rolling machine (primarily made for tobacco I assume) These "Kashmir" tubes sound kinda "weedy" to me.
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