Joining GC could save you from Jail!

Discussion in 'General' started by mobius635, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. [ame=]YouTube - Man Calls 911 With Pot Question, Is Arrested[/ame]

    I guarantee you if this guy was a forum member, All the blades here would have given him real life answers without jail..:mad::mad::mad::mad:
  2. some people man i swear. maybe he didnt have an internet connection. lol
  3. what a dumbass
  4. #4 uhohspaghettio, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2011
    Crime in progress possibly, haha.
  5. Common sense can save you from jail. THis guy was just a complete dumbass
  6. hhahahaha. what a fuckin moron.
  7. LMFAO. Holy shit man that made my night hahaha.

    At least he got to flip off the dispatchers, almost worth it. Hahahaha just a seedling. Did it to piss his mom off? Yeah right that stupid motherfucker was tired of paying for his shit.

    Hahahaha man, shit's too funny wow.
  8. And they say pot doesnt make you stupid:rolleyes:
  9. bahahahahah this guys great. stuck his middle fingers up to the dispatchers

    "possibly a crime in progress" ;)
  10. lolololol...what a dumasss..... this is just incredibally dumb... lol "uhm i wonder how much troucble i can get for growing one PLAAANT :confused_2:" uhhhm yeah :bolt:
  11. It don't It makes you Smarter. :confused:
  12. Vaginaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :cool:
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  13. HAHAHAA. What the fuck did he expect? That guy pretty much put himself in jail.
  14. come on guys...Have some sympathy for him...It wasn't even in bud mode...It was a seedling I find it stupid :(.

    I feel bad but hell I wouldn't phone 911. 5,000 bail is fucking retarded too.
  15. Wow... That was pretty dumb of him to do. What did he expect would happen?? Did he want to get caught?
  16. and this is why we have a problem legalizing MJ
  17. #17 OhMyKush, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2011
    Yeah, its really stupid that he went to jail for a plant. A fucking plant. You cant even get high from a seedling. Nature shouldnt be illegal. Just because a plant makes us feel good, its illegal? Bad plants like poisonous berries are legal. The government is fucking stupid, are we not allowed a plant because its pleasurable to smoke?

    That being said, it was absolutely stupid for him to call 911 in the first place. Cannabis is illegal, no matter how stupid of a law that is, its still illegal. :(
  18. Bahahahahahaha
  19. i don't even..

  20. "Hey 911? Yeah I'm a little behind on the rent this month and the ol' lady's really bein a bitch."

    911 operator: "Is this an emergency sir?"

    " Well not yet, I'm just chillin outside of Bank of America with a stolen handgun. Let's just say hypothetically I ran in, shot the clerk and stole 50 grand, exactly what kind of sentence are we talking if you fuckers actually catch me?"

    911 operator: "I'm actually not sure about that, but I'll tell you what don't move and someone from our legal department will be right over to answer any questions you might have"

    "Ah wonderful, make it snappy I think the adrenaline's starting to wear off."

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