First of all I would like to thank Budsmokn420 for posting this video on his thread Important read!!! It will change your life!! I recommend you all check it out if you haven't already. May this video Be your red pill like it was mine. You know how you hear people talking about enlightenment but they can't really share it with you because you must experience it on your own well this video will definitely enlighten you. Be warned you may never see the world the same way again. And please watch with an open mind. [ame=]YouTube - ZEITGEIST: MOVING FORWARD | OFFICIAL RELEASE | 2011[/ame] Check out the sites too. The Zeitgeist Movement About. What are the ideals of them? The Venus Project is an organization that proposes a feasible plan of action for social change, one that works towards a peaceful and sustainable global civilization. It outlines an alternative to strive toward where human rights are no longer paper proclamations but a way of life. They are working to make this world what it should be. No more money based economy and work for a Resource based economy. A world where there is no war no military no violence to money no poverty no human suffering no pollution no greed. You may say this is impossible, well no it isn't we have the technology and knowledge to make it happen. Please I hope you all watch and if it is to long for you then simply watch in segments(thank Budsmokn420 once again for this suggestion). [ame=]YouTube - Why I Advocate The Zeitgeist Movement & Venus Project - Campaign[/ame] [ame=]YouTube - Why i advocate The Zeitgeist Movement moving forward[/ame] Spread the Zeitgeist movement around everywhere facebook too. I wish the best to all of you and hope you choose the right choice.
Don't get me wrong I loved Zeitgeist: Addendum and I would love to see the world become The Venus Project but just think rationally and logically for a minute. It's possible the world goes in this direction but I find it hard to believe. These movie's are conspiracy theory based. I personally am interested in movies of this nature but to the average American, this movie is tough to digest and scary. The documentary explained how the CIA takes out anyone who doesn't comply and is a threat to our government, why wouldn't they do the same to The Zeitgeist movement? How is everyone going to be convinced to change? A lot of people are stuck in their ways and blindly patriotic til death, I find it hard to believe everyone will end up joining. And how do they plan on getting their hands on the resources and labor to build all these state of the art buildings and transportation systems? It seem to me everyone would have to be on board donating all their money to make this happen and even if we got it all built and running, how could it be maintained? I see overpopulation as a huge concern, if people have all the free time they want in this Utopia I suspect people will be procreating their brains out. There would have to be some kind of rule to how many kids you can have and I don't see American's jumping on board. I know they market it as a resource based economy and there will be enough for everyone but how? in reality everything is limited. So all in all I am a fan but skeptical, it would be possible to pull off but they are not advertising very well. They are sounding too much like a cult because they say you have to forget about your religion and just become spiritual and good. If they didn't throw that in there and made it sound more appealing to the average American they might have a chance but that's just my take on it.