JohnnyCage Glass Collection! (&tools)

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by johnnyCage, Jul 29, 2012.

  1. JohnnyCage's Glass Thread!

    Here are all my pieces;

    Hoss circ- worked top.

    'Hit Glass' 8 arm tree perc

    'Hit Glass' top mouthpiece with ice pinch

    'Nice Glass' glycerin coil

    'Hit Glass' stemline 4 arm- 3 slits each.

    no name beaker base.

    Attached Files:

  2. A couple build- examples

    Attached Files:

  3. And my downstems

    Roor (might be american- MIGHT be fake) gridded downstem

    No name colored downstem

    Attached Files:

  4. #4 johnnyCage, Jul 29, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2012
    Pakoh Boombox - 18mm

    Pakoh Tv- 18mm

    Roor original (re-blown joint)

    Koji- 1up mushroom- 18mm

    (and a dabber and oil dish- all my papers- some hempwick- and 2 illadelph glo rods and the illadelph stand for them)

    And the first picture- with the yellow k clip- thats a sherlock 18mm mouthpiece

    Attached Files:

  5. Two other cheap-y bowls.

    The cheech bowl is glass pinched

    (and sorry about the ash catcher and carbon filter- I didn't feel like cleaning them)

    Attached Files:

  6. Let me know what you blades think-
  7. I was thinkin'... psh HOSS whatev... and then I scrolled down and saw the PaKoH, score! Looks like you got the collection going in the right direction, keep it up.
  8. #8 johnnyCage, Jul 29, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 30, 2012
    Thanks alot- I appreciate it.

    Yeah the hoss is one of the purchases i kinda regret . . .

    The no-name beaker came with a glycerin filled straight tube- (which i LOVED-) but the glass joint broke when it hit the lip of the beaker's joint.

    But the hoss circ works GREAT as a second perc (because its kinda airy- not much drag) but i don't like how it fires if its the first stage perc.

    I would LOVE to get my hands on a US tubes build-kit!

    But my next purchases im thinking about are a SG- Toro- mobius matrix bent neck-

    I also want to get some electroformed bowls- maybe snic?
  9. I want a fuckin SG and i don't even like to combust anymore.
  10. [quote name='"johnnyCage"']JohnnyCage's Glass Thread!

    Here are all my pieces;

    Hoss circ- worked top.

    'Hit Glass' 8 arm tree perc

    'Hit Glass' top mouthpiece with ice pinch

    'Nice Glass' glycerin coil

    'Hit Glass' stemline 4 arm- 3 slits each.

    no name beaker base.[/quote]

    I have a bong just like yours with the gel coils. Do you recommend any good ways to clean it?

  11. See- (firstly- I LOVE the gimmick of build-abongs- lol EVERYTHING about them)

    But i had to get a build- as my Daily Driver because I like hits that have been run through a perc or 2- but i refuse to fight with a big tube trying to clean the percs . . . lol

    My GF HATES the smell of dirty bongs- so i have to keep it clean- I like that i can take it apart (fuckin CAREFULLY- lol) and clean a perc in 1 min- no problem.

    But now that I have a decent set-up for daily use- I can start thinking about getting a pretty bent neck tube- by a high end glass artist.

    I love the scientific concept behind pillars- and swiss percs-

    But yeah- LOTS of things on my shopping list in the future

  12. Just the glycerin coil?

    Actually truth be told- thats my hardest-to-clean

    Because of the coil- ISO(or whatever you use) doesn't get alot of contact swishing/splashing it around-

    What i do- is add uncooked rice- or a SHITLOAD of coarse salt- to 99 iso.

    Then i put a (make sure you can throw away after) plastic cup/container under neath.

    Then pour in the to- and hold the coil upside-down over the plastic container to catch what pours through to the bottom.

    Then after you have caught all the kinda dirty iso- pour it in the top again!

    Keep doing that about a dozen times- and rinse with hot water- should be good to go!
  13. Oh- also- any one with a carbon filter?

    How long do you rinse the carbon for??
  14. [quote name='"johnnyCage"']Oh- also- any one with a carbon filter?

    How long do you rinse the carbon for??[/quote]

    Until water runs clear through it when you swish it around. You gotta get all that dust off.
  15. nice slides man!

    cool to see your collection coming together. :)

  16. Thanks-

    I'd LOVE to get my hands on a 'sheepdawg' or somethin like that!

    I just hate heady glass with the freaky stuff- like salt- or alien head and fetus' and monster things- lol

    I appreciate the ART in them- but i would never want to get high and look at somethin like spooky.

    But im ALWAYS lookin for cool slides! (i love the zach p black ones)
  17. Oh- anyone have tricks for cleaning bowl pieces?

    I can clean them fine- but i hate cleaning the glass pinched bowl- the glass pinch itself takes FOREVER to get clean! lol
  18. Epic thread is epic.

    Very nice glass. Very nice.
  19. [quote name='"johnnyCage"']Oh- anyone have tricks for cleaning bowl pieces?

    I can clean them fine- but i hate cleaning the glass pinched bowl- the glass pinch itself takes FOREVER to get clean! lol[/quote]

    Fill a small container with simple green and just place them in that for a few hours, and then rinse spotless with warm water. Works every time for me!
  20. i find dipping a q-tip in ISO, and swabbing it around the pinches helps a lot.

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