John Boehner joins Marijuana Firm

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by williamsmark, Apr 11, 2018.

  1. Marijuana firm gains unlikely ally: Former Speaker John Boehner

    Does anybody else see this is a bad step? He was formerly on the board of big tobacco, not to mention how hard he flipped his stance (though typical of his kind - "if it doesn't affect me, or my family I don't care..unless I can profit on it"). I know nothing of Acreage Holdings, but I imagine like any investment company they'll do whatever they can to maximize their ROI.... which in today's world means taking the big pharma approach. I'd hate to see legalization come under the model of big pharma
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  2. I don't think this is necessarily a "bad step". The commercialization of cannabis is inevitable. BUT there is this huge difference between tobacco and cannabis. Cannabis grows like a weed, while tobacco is "fussy" to grow! Anyone with a bit of land, or a "very well-lit" closet, can simply DIY with cannabis!

    So, I think there will be a brief (5 - 10 years?) boom in commercial cannabis...... and then the market will fall as the novelty wears off and the ease of growing your own becomes common knowledge. Since not everyone is able to grow their own, commercial cannabis will eventually be like the tobacconist shops, a niche market with a small but loyal group of customers.

    The "up side" of this will be during those boom years when big business thinks they can turn a profit. They will bring out their lawyers and push for nation-wide legalization. The "down side" is that they will also try to ban home production- and we have to stop them on that!
    Unless we are free to grow our own cannabis, we are merely trading one drug lord for another! :Love-Plant:

    Granny :wave:
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  3. I really don't want to see it legalized in a way that you can only get isolated pure THC or CBD pills. It should be kept in flower form. But with the wrong people directing it's future I can easily see it going down the wrong path. Already some of these medical-only states pretty much make it available to only those who are basically dieing (cancer, aids, etc etc) and only in isolated forms too.
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  4. Legalization is a slow process (thanks to our bone-headed politicians and other resistance). As the medical uses of cannabis become common knowledge, those restrictive medical laws will loosen, even in the more repressive states.

    Hon, when I started using cannabis back in the 60s, there was no such thing as "medical marijuana"! All use was considered as recreational. Even a couple of roaches could land you in prison.

    "On January 21, 1970, Leary received a ten-year sentence for [possession of two marijuana roaches], with a further ten added later while in custody, for a previous [marijuana possession] arrest in 1965, twenty years in total to be served consecutively." Timothy Leary’s Escape From Prison

    I remember that happening. Cops could, and would, arrest you for "an unsmokable amount"! :cop:

    We have come a LONG way! (Still have a fair ways to go, though.)

    The fact that several "repressive" states are allowing even very limited use, is a baby step in the right direction. As they see that the "sky does not fall" in states with looser laws, they too, will add more conditions and ways of use.

    How long that takes is up to us. Become an activist, and speed the day! It isn't that hard! Vote! Comment in the news. Maybe even slip a pro-cannabis group a few bucks (volunteer?). Write a politician now and then.

    And above all, educate yourself! It just doesn't make it to say "Well, pot is good for all kinds of stuff." :toke:You have to be able to explain the medical use of cannabis to those who have never used it or thought of it as a legitimate medicine. I'm doing my best to teach you all what I've learned, and I hope you will pass it on to others.

    Once the medical facts about cannabis become known, the need for full legalization becomes obvious!

    Granny :wave:
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  5. I hear ya. I've personally come a long way myself - occasional rec user in college - and now I'm chronic pain sufferer. I was skeptical going back to it at first because as a rec user I didn't notice how beneficial it could be for pain because I was just getting "loaded"; to use a drinking term. And after visiting a dispensary and trying a dozen different strains, it really opened up my mind to the plethora of uses. I've been educating myself everyday for the past 5-6 months trying to figure out how to best medicate for my's been a battle but I've learned an awful lot!...still learning too
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  6. Pretty easy to see he wants a monopoly and no homegrown product allowed to maximize profits. He is a shitbag. And a rino.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. boner smelled money and changed his 'opinion' on magic of greed...last email he sent me, as an inquiring voter on the subject, "how do you feel about medical marijuana?", sounded like it was a copy paste job from a reefer madness script...he spewed debunked rhetoric about how pot was the cause of every evil, perversion and sickness in the world..that was back when boner was wanting that bible belt vote...(he never got mine)
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