Joe Wilson, his son who is running for Attorney General in SC, his three other sons and his wife get free military medical coverage, which is government-run. When it comes to his family and their government-run healthcare, he has a very different attitude about government-run health coverage. Mr. Wilson is a retired Army National Guard Colonel. You would think he would have more respect for his Commander-in-Chief, but i guess not. With four sons in the army services, the entire Wilson family has enjoyed multiple generations with free military medical coverage which is known as TRICARE. The U.S. has single-payer healthcare which covers 9 in a half million active-duty servicemen and woman, military retirees and their dependents. A quarter of a million residents in Rep. Wilson's state of SC have this single-payer health coverage. Wilson is eligible for lifetime coverage, he never has to worry about a single medical procedure. He can go to any of the military's 133,500 registered health professionals for high-quality care. Yet, Mr. Wilson insists government-run healthcare is a problem. Joe Wilson and his family are willing to suck from the public and get as many benefits from this single-payer healthcare, but it is the very care he would deny to other Americans. Amazing isnt it? Does he think no one will find out that he and his family suck up everything they can possibly suck up thanks to you and me (it really doesnt matter if we have health insurance or not, thats besides the point to him). All it matters is if Joe Wilson gets his and his family gets theirs. GIVE ME MORE, GIVE ME MORE, GIVE ME ALL OF IT! But not you. Joe Wilson and his family get the best healthcare and its from a single-payer system. So why is he so against government-run healthcare? Its what HE gets.
If he doesnt like the care he gets fom military doctors, the government pays for him to see a private doctor of his choosing.
We've already established the guy is a maroon, is it of any surprise that he is a hypocrite as well? Republicans and Democrats both support government health care, they are both serving the interest of corporations.
First of all, let's clear the air about Joe Wilson and his 'outburst'. Yes, it was uncalled for. Does it mean he disrespects the President? No. Does it mean he hates Obama because he is black? No. Stop spreading lies. We should always be critical AND skeptical of our Government. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson told us on multiple occasions to always be skeptical of our leaders. It wasn't the proper theatre to express his discontent, but please, let's stop the jingoistic bullshit that the President should be treated with the utmost respect, he should not--because he is a man, and he is fallible. He does not deserve undying support and respect, this country is not a Monarchy, and Obama is not royalty. Second, yes, if you serve in the military, and put your life on the line for your country, you get health care, and the benefits. This is called the 'VA'. Congratulations, you learned something. Is it the 'best' Health Care? No, it's not. In fact, it's the opposite. Veterans from all wars have come back to this country after fighting overseas, and they're treated like shit, their hospitals suck, and many of them become homeless because they're unable to function in a job or work setting because of psychological disorders they contracted after fighting. Do you really think people who serve our country should not receive this benefit? Second, Joe Wilson, and other people don't want health care reform to pass because in it's current form, it's wildly irresponsible policy, at best. There's real, market-based reforms that our Congress has completely overlooked. A lot of what Obama has said about the Health Reform is a lie. Wilson was within bounds to claim that Obama is lying, because he is lying. Your entire post is one gigantic logical fallacy, please, refrain from assaulting us with your rhetoric and falsehoods in the future. Your post was an empty haranguing diatribe filled with non sequiturs and circular reasoning. If you're going to try and convince people that you're right, you should try and use sound logic and not rely on logical fallacies as a crutch.
Ah yeah it does mean he disrespects the President, are you kidding? I believe he is a racist. When did i say we shouldnt be critical and skepitcal of our government, hell i know iam. But theres a certain way to do it that doesnt disrespect people in a sacred chamber. I do believe the President should be treated with the respect when he, the President, was invited BY The House of Reps. I didnt know that respect to the President now meant royalty... Wilson served in the National Gaurd after dodging around, getting deferments and keeping his ass out of combat when he, of course a big war supporter, should have gone to Vietnam. Through a series of politcal moves he became a Colonel in the National Guard reserves. Never did a thing, never put himself in harms way, never got wounded, never had the responsibility of having others really counting on him, nothing. Coward. When it comes time for the shootin and gettin shot at, where are ya Joe? Time for handouts, well dammit now we know where Joe and his family are! And guess what Joe? You also gets a second handout for being a member of Congress. And, when hes 65, he'll be eligible for Medicare! Of course all people should get that benefit. In 07 and 08, TRICARE had something like an 87% customer approval rate. Your third point, thats why he still has the single-payer system right? He must really hate it, poor Joe. Maybe there havent been Amendments introduced yet that make sure undocumented immigrants dont get helathcare, but that doesnt mean Obama was lying. Joe Wilson is a loudmouth who insults Obama (his and his sons Commander-in-Chief) by calling him a liar, in The House of Reps, that is well... really out there. And you know whats the best part? He voted in 2003 to provide federal funds for illegal immigrants healthcare! He is a liar, hypocrite, rat coward who should go back into the woodwork he came from in my opinion.
Saying to the President, 'you lie', doesn't mean you disrespect him, it means you disagree with him and disrespected him at that moment. Like I said, it wasn't perhaps the best format, or theatre to express discontent with the President's speech, but by no means does he disrespect the President, nor is he a racist. That's fine. Obama disagrees with you. You're implying it, by accusing Joe Wilson A sacred chamber? Are you calling the Senate floor a 'sacred chamber'? Oh right, it's so sacred that our law makers routinely undermine the Constitution on a daily basis. I get it now, don't call the President a liar on the Senate floor, but, it's OK to tear the Constitution to shreds (Figuratively) in the so-called 'sacred chamber'. Lol. I wish GC had a facepalm emoticon. Just curious, have you ever seen the British parliament, or even the Australian Parliament? Calling someone a liar in these other legislative bodies is tantamount to calling someone a ninny-muggins, it's a joke. However, in England, if you call the queen a liar, it's treason. There's obvious parallels here with Obama. Wilson calling him a liar, has lead to a week-long media campaign to talk about how the President should be respected at all times and no matter what. It's quite the contrary. No offense, but you seem pretty uneducated on the Army Reserve system. Wilson joined the Army Reserves and when you join the Reserves you don't get to pick where and what you do, to an extent. Yes, Obama lied about multiple things about the health care debate. Also, I don't get what point you're trying to make by shoving words into Wilson's mouth. But it's annoying to read. Not really. Were you alive for the Bush years? I'm not going to defend Congress-people, but it's routine knowledge that our 'law makers' don't even read the bills they vote on. Saying he voted for illegal immigrants to have health care, because of a single provision in some multi-hundred page bill doesn't mean jackshit. There's a million appeal to emotion arguments like this that I could How has he lied. I won't disagree that he's a hypocrite, but then again, all politicians are hypocrites. If they were anything but hypocrites, they wouldn't be politicians. Rat coward, that's pretty harsh language, sheesh.
Yup, that's what they call it now. Did you hear Chris Matthews? "It is a religious experience when the President speaks in that chamber... [it is an outrage for someone to] speak as if he were the equal of the President!" Tune in next week as we sacrifice Joe Wilson to the gods of health care (You know, Merck, Pfizer, Bayer).
The senate and the house are sacred chambers, maybe people dont always agree with everything that has comes out of those chambers, but thats beside the point.
Sacred chambers? How the hell could they be "sacred" chambers? Is the government our god or something? Are the Halls of Congress like the Halls of the Temple? These chambers which you venerate so much is where freedom goes to die. Congress is full of cheaters, liars, thieves and in general the most worthless pieces of shit to walk the planet. There are few examples of what would normally be a good person that sits in those chambers.
Where in this bill does it say anyhing about funds for illegal immigrants? The Medicare Prescription Drug & Modernization was to benfit the senior citizens living in the U.S. You should read the bill before posting something like that.
This part of the bill, Federal Law Reimbuses Hospitals for Treating Undocumented Immigrants: A Primer on "Section 1011" Maybe you should read the bill before you post something like that.
When did Joe Wilson say anything racist? I thought he was kind of rude I guess, but what did he do that indicates he views any one race as being superior or inferior to other races?
Well, he was one of only seven to vote to keep the confederat flag flying over the state capital. He always used to be a big supporter of Strom Thurmond who was a candidate running for President on the platform of segeration a few decades ago. Then when the child of the black woman that Strom got pregnant (his kid) Wilson said it was a lie and just a smear on Mr. Thurmond. He is part of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, an orginaztion that has been taken over by radical racists.
The building where people in power go is not sacred. That kind of attitude is more appropriate in Stalin's USSR, North Korea, or China where they have (or still do) venerate their leaders as gods. I find it amusing that liberals have become such lapdogs.
The capitol is a scared place. It was built on the backs of slaves genereations ago. Have you ever even been there? I say sacred because they are such an important part of country. Is this all you guys have against what i said? There are more important things to talk about other than if i believe the capitol is a sacred place in American society.
sacred? am i not allowed to wear my shoes in there or something? I don't even believe in a god, and now i'm supposed to believe our capitol is sacred? The only thing that goes down there is laws which undermine our rights, is the courthouse sacred too? because that's where they prosecute us and take away everything we once owned, property, rights, family, freedom.
I still believe Congress is a sacred place. No one said anything about taking your shoes off, but when i was there i did have to take off my hat in the chambers. I didnt know that thinking that the Capitol was a somewhat sacred place was that crazy of a concept...
It's not only a crazy concept, its the dangerous perspective that has lead to the crap we have now for a governing body.