Joe Rogan's letter to Kelloggs...

Discussion in 'General' started by BillDavis, Feb 16, 2009.

  1. That's funny, because that's when I stopped reading and wouldn't validate any further points he would have made, and I'm pro-MJ and I agree with what he says all the time.
  2. I don't really care if Kellogg's doesn't support marijuana, either. I'm still going to eat their products. If Joe Rogan thinks anyone that works at Kellogg's that actually has any weight in the company will read his letter - he is sorely mistaken.
  3. Joe Rogan needs to join Grasscity already. I'd definitely +rep 'em for this :laughing:
  4. they should take in to consideration too that most people who work for a company like that probably go home, reflect on the day, and smoke a fat ass blunt while staring at the television watching Micheal Phelps olympic re-runs on Tivo.

  5. haha damn right
  6. Damn Joe is such a fucking badass. I wanna toke with him hard.

    does taht sound gay? who fucking cares Im blitzed right now.

  7. i wanna toke with him so hard mmm :ey:

    you made me lol :laughing:
  8. i was never a big fan of joe rogan.. but i respect him a lot more now!:metal:
  9. He's perfectly allowed to be stupid, weather he smokes or not.

    You seen that fucker swim?


    *On a serious note, who the fuck cares if he furthers the stereotype? He breaks at least three more.


    A) You can't be healthy and smoke at the same time

    B) You're lazy and would not *ever* spend the time practicing for something like, say, the Olympics...

    C) You'll be a failure in life and not make any money...


    Michael Phelps deserves nothing less than a bowl smoked in his honor just for the fact that people are going to shit on him for something he enjoys or at least enjoyed UNTIL they shat on him...

    As far as Joe Rogan goes, I'm pretty darn sure he does not care if any one from Kelloggs actually reads his letter; The guy had a point to make, a worthwhile one, and he made it.

    Looking in to it beyond that is well... kinda pointless :eek:
  10. ...micheal phelps got caught hitting a bong!?

  11. #31 Floydian, Feb 17, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2019
  12. Kelloggs makes eggo?

    Oh fuck, my boycott is over next time I go to the grocery store
  13. Dude, Michael Phelps himself will probably still eat Eggos.
  14. And poptarts.
  15. Grape Nuts are all Post baby, so I'm good with boycotting Kellogg
  16. Fuck poptarts, toaster strudles are where it's at bro
  17. Dont think I eat any of their stuff..but id love to see that company brought down. Or atleast their sales drop extremely low and it made public.

    Not gonna make it legal but its a big fucking wake up call for some. We smoke no matter what you do
  18. What?! Fuck those strudel imitators! Shit takes 4 minutes or so. When you are high and got the munchies poptarts only take as long as it takes to open them to eat. Throw some Eggos in the toaster, devour a poptart or two and then eat them Eggos.
  19. As long as we keep feeding our kids the shit we are, Kellogg will be in the black for a long long while.

    Whatever happened to the days when parents actually cooked their kids breakfast? Pieces of toast, sliced fruit, yogurt, scrambled eggs.. maybe a piece of bacon if you behaved yourself the day before... I mean for fucks sake, a full balanced breakfast costs less to make than buying a box of coco puffs.
  20. #40 Floydian, Feb 17, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 17, 2009
    Does Post make waffles?

    I just looked up Honey Bunches & Oats, and they're Post, so I could probably boycott. :rolleyes:

    Edit; I mean, I could look that up too, and they probably do, but does anyone know if they're good? Lol

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