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Joe Rogan Thread

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by legitbrah, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. #1 legitbrah, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2011
    I believe apprentice tokers can learn alot from this wise stoner.

    He get and a few buddies get baked as tits once or twice a week and do "podcasts" (where they sit around and have stoner talks) look those up on itunes if ya want.

    other than that ill post some funny videos and everyone else can feel free to do the same, or tell a funny rogan story or joke..

    [ame=]YouTube - Joe Rogan UFO[/ame]

    [ame=]YouTube - Joe Rogan & Eddie Bravo {In-Studio}: The Nature of Reality - The Alex Jones Show 1/3[/ame]

    [ame=]YouTube - Joe Rogan Rips An Overzealous Pastor[/ame]

    [ame=]YouTube - Joe Rogan Solves the War with Pot[/ame]

    [ame=]YouTube - Joe Rogan UFC vs Boxing[/ame]

    Edit: deleted the dmt vids
  2. #2 legitbrah, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2011
    sorry for discussing other drugs.. please take this song as a peace offering

  3. Love him I listen to all of his podcasts and alot of them are surprisingly informative
  4. That shit about DMT... dude... i want to try that :smoke:
  5. Try the psychedelic toad
  6. Like even just listening to him talk about fucking makes me view society differently haha. SHITS DEEP :smoke:

    This man is so fucking smart.
  7. discussing of other drugs is against the rules of the city blades and bladies

    keep that in mind please
  8. oh snap.. i didnt even know..

    sorry mods
  9. Yeah, sorry.

    It's not the talk about the drug that appeals to me so much, its his way of thinking. His perception of life that he described in those videos made me fucking mindblown haha :smoke:
  10. Joe is great, his forum is the bomb, and so is his podcast. I had a conversation with him before where he gave me a lengthy talk about life, it was motivational shit, actually changed my path in life at the time.
  11. Where would i find his podcast? I love his views on life and everything, would love to listen to more shit like this.

  13. Thanks man, +rep :)

    Btw, do you know what time he goes live? I checked on his page but couldn't find anything about it

  14. I stopped watching his podcasts at like podcast 40.. man i feel like that cocky douche bag who wants attention for knowing somebody famous, but when i talked to joe on his forum last year i suggested that he should have a podcast.. he mentions and thanks me on podcast 14 i think it is, i'm sorry to be that kid that has to mention their associations, i just have to throw something like that out there or i'm being oblivious, hahah.

    umm it may be tuesdays.. not sure
  15. ahhh i used to watch a lot of his podcasts... come to think of it im gunna listen to one right now!!

    i recomend..

    joe along with brian , with eddie bravo or joey diaz.. cocksucka!!
    theyre the best..:smoke:
  16. I fucking love Joe, he can be so brutally honest at times... but thats what makes him awesome.
  17. Joe Rogan is one chill motherfucker and his podcasts are awesome too lol. Good to know im not the only one who blazes and listens to it haha .
    Easily one celebrity i'd burn down a forest with :hello:
  18. Yeah Joe is the shit. I would love to meet him one day and smoke him out, have an in depth convo about life :smoking:

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