Joe Rogan on The Real Reason Pot Is Illegal

Discussion in 'General' started by Rasta Viking, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Don't know if this has been posted before, if it has my bad. I found it interesting though. Joe is a smart guy, and his stand up is fucking hilarious especially if you smoke weed.

    [ame=]YouTube - Joe Rogan on The True Reason Pot is illegal[/ame]
  2. [ame=]YouTube - Joe Rogan Solves the War with Pot[/ame]

  3. that was awesome
  4. Word is bomb.
  5. "what are you doing right now, douche"

    hahaha, hes the fucking man
  6. Pharms are multi trillion, they fucking run the country

    Unless we pull an egypt on their ass

    Fucking egypt has like 80 mil people and they are fucking balling gangster status.

    America has over 300 million people, im sure more than 50 percent of the population smokes and we just sit down and get fucked?


    [ame=]YouTube - [EGYPT] Push And Pull Between Egyptians And Police During Cairo Demonstrations, 25/01/2011[/ame]
  7. If I was gay, I'd be gay for Joe Rogan.

  8. you do know it's 'word is bond' not bomb.. Right?
  9. Joe Rogan is a fucking amazing person. I've met him a few times in Vegas, just chillin at a Casino or at a bar, and he's awesome to talk to. As long as you don't come off like a douche he'll talk to ya all night. Would have loved to have smoked with him, but didn't have any and didn't have a spot to smoke :(

  10. I thought you were gay already:confused:

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