Joe Rogan - Explosions in the Sky

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by PilkyHigh, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. He's done it again, blades.

    "...and you realise you're right're just swimming in this universal soup."

    [ame=""]YouTube - Joe Rogan and Explosions in the Sky[/ame]
  2. These Joe Rogan vids always change my whole state of mind
  3. Explosions in the sky are tight and joe rogan.............. thats all i can say
  4. #6 DAVlD, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2011
    he comes off so much smarter when he's not sitting there

    "and then i looked up in the sky and HOLY FUCKING SHIT WE FUCKING BLAH BLAH"

    i hate when he gets on stage and just fucking yells. but he's a pretty smart guy..

    edit: on a different note though explosions in the sky is fucking awesome. :D
  5. it would be pretty cool if joe rogan stopped talking so you could just listen to the song.
  6. I truly believe that we are a one of a kind species. One of a kind in the way that there is a reason we have such a higher level of thinking. There is a reason why we have an innate instinct to learn about ourselves and the universe. We may be the first known species to actually discover the secrets to existence. And I'm glad that he mentioned mushrooms because I believe that mushrooms have been placed on Earth for that very same reason. To help us look within and discover those answers. Great video man.
  7. What did he do again? Prove how confused he is about the universe? I'm not confused at all and it all makes sense in my mind. Stop doing the psychedelics people, they're just making you more confused about life and all it's processes.
  8. Yeah it sure confused that guy about everything too.^ We should probably stick to man made books to teach us about the universe, that would make sense right? You've obviously got a mental barrier you're scared to break by using psychedelics. Try it, you'll look at God in an entirely different manner i promise.
  9. #11 meddlehaze, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2011
    It's funny that you revere that man. He's a con-artist, very intelligent, but probably confused about life, not technology...

    I've actually experimented, and have concluded with my own experiences. Don't think I haven't had my outlets of truth searching, I have. I look at God through a sober-mind, not one filled with chemicals that should not be there. If you take Physiology and Pharmacology of Psychoactive Drugs and Alcohol, you'll discover why these drugs are so dangerous for our spirits and brains.

    By this logic, you don't trust ANY book, not just religious, that tries to explain the universe.
    Science textbooks, the Bible, Grand Design by Stephen Hawking...?
  10. #12 Kramer, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2011
    This is why he is my hero.

    The shit that he speaks eminates so much truth, I can't help but be affected by his knowledge.

    His perspective is far more broadened than anyone I can think of on a somewhat "relatable" level.
  11. the zeitgeist movement looks down on religion. religion isn't actually bad, just the lies the current religions tell us today to control us.

    we DO need to be part of community. we DO need peace. we DO need to belong, which is why humanity has struggled to find the answer to the question; Why Live? for centuries. Christianity has tried to answer this, Islam has, Judaism, etc...

    one day, when there are no more illogical religions, which are solely here to provide intangible solace to those who require it, life will truly be amazing. love will be everywhere, and with the proper environment full of peace and beauty, there will be a SIGNIFICANT decrease in violence, selfishness, greed, vanity, etc.

    I think you say this is full of deceit without giving it a chance. you're denying logical thinking because of the inherent blocks media and other power based groups have instilled in you. you've become a sheep. make money = happiness.

    and make no mistake. we all need money to live, we need money to support life. and when all money = dept.... well... we're all just in one big trap created by selfish corporations that are hell bent on controlling society.

    I for one have had enough of this bullshit. i recommend all who are with me on this sentiments to experiment (in a comfortable safe setting) with psychotropic drugs. they remove the mental block society has instilled in us.

  12. Well we have a high level of thinking compared to the other spieces on the planet. What if a spieces was a billion years ahead of us? We'd be stupider than a single celled organism to them. If we humans are so smart we should know that put of the many trillions of planets in the universe, we aren't the only living creatures out there.

    And what most people don't know is that dolphins are VERY intelligent animals, kit as smart as us of not smarter. They can communicate telepathically and can think critically. They are limited though because they live in water and their bodies don't allow them to do much.

    - peace, joy, love, and light
  13. Joe Rogan's cool. :smoke:

  14. I'm so glad you have been enlightened by a collection of fictitious stories. What did God say to you today? :rolleyes:
  15. It's okay:)

  16. omfg omfg omfg omfg i love it already and i havent even watched it yet.

  17. Stop trying to be a god damn critic, the whole point of the speech was to make humans stop and realize what we're doing. We're blocking our confusion with shit that we don't want to do every day. Blocking out the infinite number of worlds that could be out there, many opportunities, perhaps traveling or perhaps just expanding your mind. But as he said "were training them to be drones." Taking up the beautiful space in the mind and filling it with useless, poisonous shit that could be filled with curiosity. Beautiful beautiful curiosity. Much different then confusion, much better than ignorance.

    I, for one, almost cried. I'm still shaking, that video was brilliant. :hello:
  18. I'm sorry you got so offended. Actually, no I'm not. I can critique this video to it's end no matter what you say. I understood his point, but the way he got there was just ridiculous and that's my opinion and I'm entitled to it :) thank you for noticing my outspokenness

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