So basically this is a thread for people to talk about their dream job and current job..Tell me about all the jobs you've had and which one you liked the most . Do you blaze at work? I have no idea what i would like to do in the future (just finished final school year) but i currently work at a bottle shop, and i have recently applied for 2 different apprenticeships, one involving IT and another involving working on power lines. I have also been to an interview for a supermarket.. hoping to get a decent job to earn some moolah during next year.
Current Job: One of two partners at a software development firm here in LA. Dream Job: Expanding our business across the U.S. and eventually make it into a multinational.
Current Job: lol Dream Job: Doing something exciting, maybe firefighting (just saying that because shroom is one and im high and it seems like a good idea), or a budtender/dispencery owner. Or possibly doing shit like Rob Dyrdek, and people of that type that don't really have a job, they just do their "job" which is live their daily lives and get recorded, and get loads of money doing it.
Dream job? RSPCA compliance officer/inspector Current: Call centre worker ( )/OHS representative/Student.
i used to be the assistant manager at a movie theater, now im in the final stages of becoming a firefighter. Ive wanted to do this my whole life. It sucks that they're strict on bud, but when you think about it, do you really want to rely on a high guy to come save you? haha
Current job: Receptionist/Student Dream job: Scriptwriting. Although anything in film or journalism would make me just as happy
I'm unemployed. I have an interview for Subway University on Monday. I have no idea what my dream job would be. Haven't figured that out yet.