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Jobs that don't drug test?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TheStoner420, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. The title pretty much explains it. I need some money in my pocket.
  2. Pretty much most fast food places don't test. In my area at least.

  3. where do u live?
  4. North Houston, Texas.

  5. ill check around in my area
  6. Door to door knives salesman
  7. simple jobs...
  8. Nothing with manual labor...
  9. Grocery stores, retail stores, fast food, computer/IT, lifeguarding, swim lessons, and of course manual labor jobs all don't test. (At least none did when I had any of them.)
  10. i see this thread repeated every 2 days...
  11. Gas station attendant?

    In whatever you pursue, good luck. :D
  12. CEO of any fortune 500 corp is pretty much a DT free thing...that and Congress/Senate... :p

  13. sorry bro, i dont get on here too often
  14. Pretty much every job I've had(which have been entry level) have never drug tested me. I even worked for a bricklaying company that paid me big money for hard labor and I still didn't get drug tested.
    Just not sure if the same applies to the states, seeing how I live in Beautiful British Columbia.
  15. It's against the rules to tell you to sell drugs, so I won't do that :bongin:

  16. sorry bro, i dont get on here too often

  17. Capitalizing the "Beautiful," I see. ;)

    I don't believe drug testing is all that prevalent in Canadian society, though feel free to correct me on this, seeing as I've only had one job so far. :)

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